Chapter seven

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(Phineas's POV)

A few days passed and Friday finally came, which meant that Ferb and Isabella were going on their date. During these days I came to the conclusion that I was only jealous of Ferb and Isabella because I thought that, now that they were together, I'll turn into a third wheel. But that hasn't happened yet. So I'm glad. What I don't understand is why I still feel mad when I see them together.

Right now I'm sitting on my sister's bed wishing she was here. But sadly she went on a trip to Paris with her friends yesterday, and I can't call her because neither her nor me have international coverage.

I decided that I should go eat breakfast before the rest of my family start to suspect that something is wrong with me. Especially Ferb.

When I got downstairs I went to feed Perry but when I saw he wasn't there I found myself asking "Hey, where's Perry?"

(Perry's POV)

I took the secret entrance to my lair just as Phineas was wondering where I was. Once I got to my lair I landed on my red chair and Major Monogram was waiting for me on the screen.

"Good morning Agent P." he greeted me "Unfortunately we don't know what Doofenshmirtz is up to, but we trust that you'll stop him!"

I hopped onto my hover car, Major Monogram wished me good luck, and I was off to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.

When I got to Doofenshmirtz's building I landed on the balcony, then in just three seconds I was in a trap.

"Oh Perry the Platypus." Doofenshmirtz came out from the shadows "I see you've fallen into my heart trap." Heart trap? What was he talking about? I looked at the trap I was in, it was indeed a heart, I was in a heart.

"I bet you're wondering what my evil plan is. It's this!" he pulled out a little gun from his lab-coat. It had hearts drawn all over it. "I call it the Love-Inator! I bet you're wondering what it does." I think I knew what it did, but I let him continue. "It makes whoever I shoot with it fall in love with the next person they see! I don't really know how it will help me takeover the Tri-State yet. But it sure can help me with my love life. Oh I guess I could..."

I wasn't listening to him anymore, my attention was on how I'm getting out of that trap. After a minute of thinking and Doof blabbing in the background I managed to squeeze out of the heart.

I kicked the evil scientist right on the nose, which made him drop the machine. That was my perfect chance to smash it. I did just that, but before I did it fired. I hoped that didn't hit anyone but it shot upward so I'm sure everything will be fine.

I flew out of Doof's home. Hearing him yell "Curse you Perry the Platypus!" I smiled. My work here was done.

(No one's POV)

The love ray hit a satellite up in space sending it back down to earth right into a mirror store. It bounced of all the mirrors in there. Finally hitting a teenager sitting at a nearby Café. That caused him to instantly faint.

(Isabella's POV)

"Ferb? Ferb?" I was shaking him trying to wake him up. I do not know what happened. We were just talking and then he just fainted. I hope he's fine.

I noticed him moving his head. I looked at him, hoping that he was ok and also hoping that he has an explanation as to why he fainted.

When he opened his eyes I saw a bit of pink in them, I blinked, it was gone. It could've been my imagination but I swear that it was there.

"Ferb are you ok?" he rubbed his eyes. He smiled at me in a way that he's never smiled at me and honestly it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm great as long as you're with me." I gave him a strange look.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" why on earth was he saying this to me?

"Um...we should take you home." I suggested.

"Sure. I would go anywhere with you! Because I love you." My eyes grew wide, I stared at him. He did not just say that! But he did! Why? He had to be kidding right? Oh this was not good.

Hehe I've been wanting to write that scene since I started this story!

That's the main thing of this story. Ferb being shot by a love ray and is now in love with Isabella.

So what will happens next? Will Ferb stop 'loving' Isabella? How will Phineas feel about this? How will Gretchen feel about this?

You'll have to wait and see!

Until next time!
Remember, Disney IS life!

Jealousy: A Phineas and Ferb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now