Chapter five

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Hello! So from the beginning till Phineas falls asleep is happening at the same time as Ferb's and Isabella's date.

(Phineas's POV)

Ok so Ferb is going out with Isabella. That's fine right? I mean he can date whoever he wants, even if it is my best friend.

"Phineas?" I heard a familiar voice say. Suddenly I saw I hand move in front of my face, that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" I looked at the owner of the hand. It was my sister, Candace.

"Are you ok?" she asked me.

I nodded "Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Cause you've been staring at the TV for a while now. And it's not even on! And also you haven't said hi to me."

"Oh hi." I said with a smile. My sister comes and visits us sometimes, and when I say sometimes I mean almost everyday. She says that it gets boring and lonely in her apartment. "And yes I'm sure." I got up from the couch and started walking upstairs to my room. The truth is I wasn't fine! I wish I knew why...

I heard I knock on my door "Come in." I said not caring who it was. Even though I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

"What's wrong?" my sister asked after she walked into my room. I looked at her not knowing if I should tell her that something is wrong. I decided to, but I didn't know what was wrong. I mean I know I'm sad but why?

"I don't know." I said truthfully.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Well I'm sad but I don't know why."

"That's odd. Oh wait maybe your having mood swings!"

"Mood swings? Isn't that when your happy one moment than sad the other and then suddenly start crying for no reason?"

"Well kinda."

"Do boys even get mood swings?"

"I don't know. Maybe." she shrugged.

"Well trust me it's not mood swings. I've been depressed for a while."

"Ok well when did it start?" I thought about it. When did it start? Then it hit me! It was right after Ferb told me that he was going on a date with Isabella! But no it can't be, I can't be sad because their going out. Can I? I told Candace when it started.

"Well....." she thought for a moment "maybe you're jealous!"

"Jealous!?" I said, surprised by her answer.

"Yeah! You're jealous because Isabella has a boyfriend!"

"Ferb isn't her boyfriend!" "And if he was there's no way I'll be jealous of that!" I denied.

"Yes way! And even if he isn't her boyfriend she's still going out with someone. So your jealous of that!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!" she started walking to the door.

"Am not!"

"Are too!" she opened the door and started walking out.

"Am not!"

"Are too!" she walked out "Good night Phineas." she closed the door.

"Am not!" I yelled at the door. She didn't reply and I wasn't expecting her to.

I laid on my bed. There's no way I was jealous! I'm not jealous! Not even one bit! Isabella is just my best friend nothing more nothing less! And I have never thought of her as anything other than my best friend!

I was tired so I got ready for bed. But I made sure that my last thought of the day was: I'M NOT JEALOUS!!


I was running I don't know to where but I knew that I had to get there. It was a long run I was tired. But luckily I had reached my destination. It was a castle.

"Stop right there!" two guards said, putting their spears in front of me.

"But I have to get in!" I argued "I must talk to the queen!"

"I'm sorry b-"

"Let him in." a familiar voice interrupted the guard. The guards let me through. Then I saw the owner of the voice that let me in, the queen.

"Queen Vivian, thank you for letting me in. I just want to say something very important."

"And what's that?" she smiled.

" love your daughter!"

"Oh that's very nice but she already has a prince."

My eyes widened "What? Who?" I said shocked. Suddenly Isabella appeared holding hands with Ferb.

"Prince Ferb."

"Wait no! No, no, no,no..."

"PHINEAS!" I woke up to the sound of my name. "Are you ok? Cause you were saying no, no, no, in your sleep." I looked at my brother and nodded.

"I'm totally fine! Why don't we get started on today's invention?" I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, when I was done I looked in the mirror and thought 'that was a weird dream'


Ok I hope you enjoyed that I tried to make it long to apologize for not updating in forever!! I'm really sorry. But I didn't have inspiration. Until today I got an idea and I immediately wrote it before I forgot it. Too bad I got it at midnight so I had to stay up to write it but that's ok. I'm tired and I want to sleep. But at least I made a chapter! It was worth it!!

Next update will be in a couple of years. Haha JK I'll try to write it soon, I have a few ideas so hopefully it won't take that long. But it probably will, so please be patient.

Bye <3

Jealousy: A Phineas and Ferb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now