Jumped//Diablo x Reader pt. 1

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Creds to @ jesuisnightwing on Tumblr

-this story is 3 parts, the next chapter or page (whatever it's called) is part 2 (I don't think part 3 is complete yet. But when it is I'll post it))

You ran full speed down the street, lungs burning as you pushed yourself harder, faster. You had ditched the eye covered "zombies" a few minutes ago but you kept running just in case. Without looking where you were going you turned into an alley, expecting it to be abandoned like the rest of the city. It was not. You ran smack into someone, falling flat on your ass on the chilled, wet gravel. You yelped and looked up at the person you ran into, or people. It was a group of men, teardrop tattoos, matching blue Letterman jackets and low hung jeans told you exactly what kind of people they were. Too late though, when you tried to scramble away one of the men grabbed you roughly, pulling you towards him and his assailants.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Let me go!" You yelled, squirming and kicking so much that another man had to help force you to the ground.
"This one's got a mouth..." one sneered. "No Bueno, shut her up."
Someone put a disgusting, cold, clammy hand over your mouth and you did the only thing you could think of. You bit him. Hard. Your mouth was filled with his blood and he let out a very un manly cry, drawing back. You spit out the red liquid and squeezed your eyes shut as his hand came towards your face, slapping you harshly. Somebody ripped your shirt open, pulling the fabric off of your torso and stuffing it in your mouth as a makeshift gag. Tears dripped out of your closed eyes as the gravel dug into your now bare back. You could feel the stones shredding your skin. Your pants were ripped down your legs, immobilizing you and you screamed into your gag. Greedy disgusting hands violated your skin, unforgiving fingers bruised you. Just as those sickening appendages reached the waistband of your panties, someone new spoke up.
"There something wrong here homies?" A new voice asked, gravely and Hispanic sounding.
"Diablo, man? Welcome back esé." The digits on your hips retreated as he stood. You kept your eyes screwed shut, weeping quietly into your shirt.
"Come on then, join the fun boss." Another said, he ran a hand over your breast and cheek and you flinched away.
"Slim, I thought you better than this man. You know we ain't like this." 'Diablo' said. "Get out of here cabrón."
"And if we decide we wanna stay? Finish what we started?"
"Yeah last I checked there was... Uno, deux, tres... seven of us and one of you." A new choice challenged
You let your eyes open, stinging and red rimmed. Diablo was quite a bit smaller than Slim but he didn't seem put off by the discrepancy, which made sense when flames engulfed his closed fists, lighting up the alley with orange shadows. Slim flinched away noticeably. "I ain't gonna explain what you already know, Guey. Get lost."
Slim scoffed "Once a stiff, always a stiff." Nevertheless he obeyed. As if on cue the rest of the men let go of you leaving you to spit out your gag and curl into in a ball. You barely even noticed as Diablo helped you up, whimpering as he pulled up your pants with warm, careful hands. Your shirt was clearly done for, soaked and torn, Diablo realized this and you felt him drape his jacket over your shoulders, the same ones as Slim and his perverse goons were wearing. You wanted to shove it off and scream but you were weak and it was really warm and it was obvious this man meant you no harm. So instead you let him help you into the sleeves while you studied the ground mutely. You flinched when the fabric brushed over the open wounds on your back and he seemed to be gentler after.
"You can't stick around too long chica, it ain't safe." He said calmly.
You nodded, looking up at man who had saved you. He was more inked than any of the others, skull like features over his face and swirling patterns that disappeared below his collar. "T-Thank you..." You stuttered, still sobbing "Bless y-you..."
"I ain't blessed chica. Now get goin' an' stay safe."
You nodded again, pulling the jacket close. It smelled like smoke and cinnamon. "Thank you... D-Diablo."

El Diablo|| Preferences and ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora