Chapter Twenty-Four: Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"Hmph." Dylan said huffing out air. "You see to believe that Max and I won't end up together. It's written in stone. Our meeting was fate." He said using a dramatic tone.

I rolled my eyes at Dylan's stupid ideas of fate. Such a thing didn't exist. I ignored his last remark and said, "Damn right. I'm betting with Sera serious cash on this. It's no laughing matter." Sera seemed to believe that Max and the dork would end up dating. Or at the very least, confessing to each other. I, however, was trying to stay positive. I was betting that they would never in a million years start dating. Max is seriously stubborn. With that information I didn't believe Max would agree to date Dylan in the two year time frame I gave him.

"That's kind of mean. I'm hurt." There was no real sadness in his voice as he spoke in monotone.

We made our way towards the beach. Most everyone was where all the stands were in a huddle to try to keep warm. Only our group and a handful of people were stupid enough to actually start a fire down by the water where it was way colder. We were just lucky it hadn't started snowing.

"I couldn't care less about your feelings." I said bluntly.

"Max needs a new best friend." Dylan mumbled in front of me.

I smirked and raised my arms in the air with a small yawn, "I could say the same about Mikhail." I let my arms drop and managed to catch a glimpse of something flying towards Dylan. "watch out!" I yelled out in reflex and yanked back on his coat. He stumbled backwards, losing his footing. His back smacked into my chest as I caught him. My right arm around his waist to keep him from falling to the ground and my left hand holding onto his elbow. A fire cracker zipped in front of Dylan. If I hadn't pulled him back when I did it would have smacked right into him. Towards my left I heard the fire cracker go off as it fell towards the beach. "Are you fucking blind? Did you want to get burned?"

"I was too focused on not dropping anything from my shirt." Dylan said seeming a little shocked.

I rolled my eyes and said, "You sure know your priorities." I groaned and added, "Get off me." I pushed him forward and dusted myself off. It's not like he had gotten any dirt on me but it got my point across that I didn't like him touching me.

He clicked his tongue as one of the fire crackers fell to the ground. "You're going to make me break them all even before we have a chance to use them!"

"Oh, shut up." I said, irritated. "They're just fire crackers. I'll buy you a hundred more if you just stop talking with your annoying voice." I scowled as he turned back to look at me.

"Yeah?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"If you stop talking and we get back to Mikhail before midnight." I added.

"What? Are you Cinderella now? Do we at least get a pumpkin carriage to make it on time, princess?" Dylan said as he tried to hold his laugh in.

"Keep that up and I'll punch your nose in." I said with an annoyed expression. I bent down and picked up the fallen fire cracker and took a step forward and dropped it in his shirt. Did this guy think he was funny? He wasn't. Not in the slightest. "Besides, it was me who saved you just now. You even fell into my arms. If anything, you're the damsel in distress." I said quickly.

"What?! No way." Dylan said in denial. "You're definitely the princess off to see her Prince Charming."

"Idiot. I'm the prince off to see the princess. Don't get it twisted. No way in hell is Mikhail anything other than a princess." I said furrowing my eyebrows at him. "I just happened to stumble upon a klutzy damsel on my way to Miki. You know, the damsel that always runs head first into danger? Forever the annoying heroine that gets on everyone's nerves."

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