" Looks like your wish came true ma." he said before kissing me softly on the lips. 

I began humming the lyrics to the song. But he started singing.

" Must be nice, having someone who loves you despite your faults."

" Having someone who talks the talk but also walks the walk." I sung.

" Having someone who understands that a thug has feelings too." He sung.

"Someone who loves you for sure, you just remember to never let em go." I finished.

" I'll never let you go." He whispered in my ear after pulling me closer. Putting me right on his d!ck. He began moving me so that I was grinding on it. Not that I needed his help because I couldn't help but grind on it my damned self. Let me just tell you. He was long, hard, and fat. I mean it stretched out along his thigh. 

It felt so good that I lost my damned mind. I didn't care where we were or who seen, I was ready to fuck. And I know he knew it because he pulled away and began pulling me upstairs to what I discovered was his room.

As soon as he shut the door I was on him. We started kissing as his hands roamed all over my body. Shivers erupting back to back up my spine. His kisses left me dizzy. I began pulling on his hair that he'd started growing out since I told him I liked hair.

I ran my tongue across his bottom lip asking for entry, that he granted. Our tongues met and tangled together as we kissed hungrily. This was the man I'd spent so little time with but he'd taught me the most. He'd taught me how to respect and love myself. What I deserved as a woman. He meant the world to me. I must've been so lost in my thoughts, when he pulled away it pulled me out of them.

" Whats on your mind?" he asked me looking deep into my eyes. As if he was trying to read my soul's subscriptions. 

" You. Always you." I said before kissing him again. Taking the kiss deeper. I reached down between us and started to unbuckle his pants. I was ready.

" Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked.

" Definitely. Never been more sure of anything in my entire life." I reassured him, and he nodded before laying me back softly on the bed. Before hovering over top of me. 

"You're so beautiful." He whispered before starting to kiss me everywhere on my face. Lastly my lips. He softly bit my bottom lip, opening my mouth, allowing him to deepen the kiss. 

I wrapped my legs around his waist securing him to me. I didn't want this moment to ever end. 

In this moment I wanted him to know how I felt about him, and since I couldn't find the world I would show him threw my body. And I didn't care if in the future we didn't work out. I'll be happy knowing that I've shared these moments with him. Moments that I'll remember for the rest of my life.

At some point during my mental confessions he'd gotten my pants off and was reaching to take off my shirt. I sat up to help him. Leaving me in only my bra and panties.

" So beautiful." He mumbled before kissing down my neck , stop at my breasts. He pulled the cup of my bra down exposing my hard nipples. He kissed each first before he pulled one into his mouth. Causing my back to arch off of the bed, I let out a load moan.

" Thats right ma, let me hear you." He said still sucking my nipple before rolling the other between his fingers. My body began to quiver.

He switched nipples covering the other with his mouth and rolling the other between his fingers. My legs started to shake. 

" Oh god." I groaned. Unable to stop shaking. I knew what was happening, But I didn't know how. From getting my nipples sucked?  I thought to myself. And as soon as I finished the thought my orgasm swept over me, leaving me a quivering mess. 

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