Seth quickly retorted, "Of course not."

Aa looked at him with a smile and playfully slapped his chest.  Seth acted hurt and said to the group, loudly, "You all saw that, right.  Assault."

Aa slightly chuckled as she breathed, "Shut up."

Seth laughed softly as Ron smiled at the pair.  Ava went around saying hello to everyone else.  Ava quickly got into a conversation with the group.  Rachael pulled Seth to the living room.  He asked, "What's up?"

"Okay, seriously, Seth.  Why the heightened security?"  She asked, concerned.

He told her again, "You can never be too careful."

"Bullshit, Seth.  Don't feed me that shit.  I know you.  First the bodyguards for your girlfriend and her kid, then the security at the party, and now this.  What is going on?"  She was very concerned.

"Just let it go."  He said, sternly.

"No, Seth!"  She got angry.  "What the hell is going on?"

Now Seth started to get angry.  "That is none of your business."

"What the hell, Seth.  This girl comes into your life and you keep secrets from your family.  Like does she really have that much of a grip on you that you will push your family away?"

"Rachael, you have no clue what you are talking about, leave it alone."

"I am worried about you.  This girls comes into your life and you pick the people you love away.  This is so unlike you."

"There is nothing to be concerned about, Rachael.  Now let it go."  With that said, Seth walked away.

Rachael wasn't going to give up that easy.  She knew Seth was hiding something, and knew it had to do with Ava.

Dinner was served and everyone sat at the dining room table.  Seth sat at the head of the table as Ava sat on one side of him and Sam on the other side of him.  They all at as they shared a pleasant conversation getting to know Ava and vice versa.  Also shared some of Seth's childhood stories.  Ava felt more relieved with his family.  Dinner was over and she noticed Sam getting sleepy.  They did eat later then normal.  Ava said to Sam, "Baby, go get ready for bed."

"But, mom."  He began to whine.

Seth quickly cut him off, "Sam, don't argue with your mother."

"Yes, sir."  He said, somber.

He gave Seth a hug goodnight as Seth kissed his forehead and hugged him.  He walked to his mom and hugged and kissed him goodnight.  Ava said to him as he began to walk away, "I'll be up soon."

Sam walked away and Ron said, sincerely, "He seems like a good boy."

"He is."  Ava beamed.

"Ava has raised that boy right."  Seth almost bragged.

Ava just smiled as she loved how proud he sounded.  "Seems as you became a very active part of his life now, son."  Ron almost seemed proud.

"I have grown very fond of him."  Seth smiled.

"I see that.  The way you took charge when he began to argue with Ava."  Ron pointed out.

"Well, sometimes a firm male voice does the trick."  Ava quickly said.

"Oh, I know.  I remember their mother would ask them to do something and they wouldn't listen, I just have to say it once and did the trick."  Ron admitted.  Then he asked, "So, what about your parents, Ava?"

The One Who Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now