Did he not like me enough to leave me behind?

Why was I torturing myself like this? I'm just a girl that fell for a guy who's in a famous band.

I knew I shouldn't have let them stay last night, Liliana and I wouldn't be doing this if they had just have gone to their hotel.

I don't even understand how we liked them so much in such a short period of time.

Love is a bitch.

*Niall's POV*

"Boys, pack up whatever is out of your suitcases and go back to the hotel tonight. Your plane for Tokyo leaves in the morning."

Wait he said tonight. Its only 10:00, we can spend another day with the girls. We have to.

I will not leave Sky behind and I know Louis won't leave Lil.

Will they come with us? I mean they have school and Lil actually still has her mom.

Will her mom let her go? Or will she say she have to stay?

If Sky comes along and Lil doesn't, she won't see her best friend for two years.

What if Sky doesn't go because Lil can't go. Then it'll be even longer before we see them again.


I thought of the kiss last night. How her hands ran through my hair, how her body felt pressed against mine. We were like puzzle pieces, we fit perfectly together.

Wait, if I left Sky, i'd be heartbroken, I can't perform when I'm heartbroken and the guys know that.

And I don't think this is something Zayn can comfort me with again.

*Liam's POV*

Louis and Niall were freaking out.

Niall was biting his nails and Louis was looking around the room rubbing his hands together constantly.

They were worried about leaving the girls.

I could tell they had fallen for them.

They never fall for girls this fast so there's something about them, and then just their personalities are amazing.

I came right out and said it.

"Louis and Niall fell in love Simon." I said to the phone.

Louis looked up at me and his jaw clenched.

Niall grabbed his bangs and tugged on them.

"......not with each other right?"


What the hell, why would he say with each other?

"What do you mean, they fell in love?"

"I mean exactly what I said, they fell in love, with Skylar and Liliana." I said slowly.

"It's true, you can tell by the way they all look at each other." Zayn said.

"So what is your point?" Simon said.

I know he is smarter than this, he did not just ask that.

"My point is, is that Sky and Lil need to go with us on tour! You've seen Niall when he's heartbroken, times that by two. We can't have two fifths of our band be heartbroken, it wont work."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right Liam."

Niall stopped pulling at his bangs and stared at me and the phone with a big hopeful smile on his face.

Louis did the same.

"Niall, Louis. Would you like for Skylar and Liliana to come along with you on tour?"

"YES!" They yelled in unison.

"Well, if the girls say yes, they can come along."

"YAY! WE LOVE YOU UNCLE SI!" They yelled together.

Zayn, Harry, and I all smiled at their excitement.

"You boys can stay at Sky's house again tonight, but don't stay up late and miss your plane tomorrow morning."

"We won't!" Niall and Louis yelled while running up the steps trying to beat each other to Sky's room.

*Sky's POV*

I heard feet pounding on the steps and grunts and told Lil to wipe her face so the boys wouldn't see us crying.

I tossed her the tissue box and she started wiping off the tears and tear lines.

I rubbed my face with my blanket and finished just as Niall and Louis walked in the door.

Great. They're probably saying they have to leave and won't miss us at all.

"Sky, were you crying??" Niall asked me, the smile disappearing from his face.

I didn't answer and he came over to me and crouched in front of my chair while taking one of my hands in his.

The tingles came back and I broke down in tears.

We stood up and he hugged me but I was hanging onto him for dear life.

"You...can't...leave me." I said through sobs and sniffles.

He pulled his head back for a second to look at me and wiped the tears away on my cheeks with his thumb.

"That's what Louis and I were going to tell you two." He said while looking at Louis and Liliana.

"Simon said you can come with us on the world tour."


Hey you little personas. Dylan and Kitten were nagging me on this chappy so here you go. OMG SCOTTTT YOU CAN DO IT! CMON BREAK IT BREAK IT BREAK IT!!! DO IT YOU FUCKING ALPHA BREAK THE BARRIER!! WOOOOOOOOO YOU DID IT YOU TRUE ALPHA YOU! WOOO! Sorry about all that, i'm watching teen wolf AND DA NEW EPISODE COMES ON IN 5 MINUTOS WOOOOOO! So yeah, i'm gonna go flip and fangirl over the new episode now so Peaceskies! ✌️

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