Luhan thought that their were a lot of problems came to them and 6 months more, it will be their 1st anniversary. Luhan decided to prepare a surprise for Harriette and he also thought that it's time to restart everything again. Luhan went home early to cook and he even read a lot of cooking books to prepare a special dinner. He even decorated their home with balloons he took from his old stuffs and he used some of his money from his piggy bank to buy flowers for Harriette.

"Just like what you said a while ago, Harrietteeverything will be fine again right? When you arrive home, I promise everything will be alright again. No more misunderstandings and fights I promise", Luhan said as he lighted all the candles on the table full of meals he cooked such as carbonara pasta, beef steak, vegetable salad, a grape juice and the fresh bouquet of tulip flowers he bought a while ago. Luhan even dress up in tuxedo suit for their dinner, fixed his hair and used a perfume. 

"Surprise! No, no okay good evening, Harriette, tada! Dinner time! No, okay Luhan relax okay? Relax, Harriette will come home at 8pm so be ready", Luhan was practicing what he will say to Harriette if she will come home later in front of the mirror. He checked the time it's 7:30pm so Luhan waited at the dining table for Harriette.

It's 7:45pm already and since Harriette's boss was in a good mood he let his workers go home early. Harriette walked to go home since it will only take 20 minutes from her work to her home when she accidentally bumped in to Chanyeol with his classmates and friends. Harriette was even wearing her uniform at the coffee shop where she work but luckily, she was wearing a plain black jacket to cover her uniform.

"Harriette! I miss you so much! It's been a long time. I was supposed to call you to invite you in my birthday celebration but your phone number was out of service already. Join us!, - Chanyeol 

"First of all happy birthday, Chanyeol, second I'm sorry if I forgot your birthday I just, I really had a lot of problems but you know my situation right? You are with our classmates and I'm afraid that they might ask me a lot of questions why I left our school, I'm married remember?", Harriette whispered to him. Harriette wanted to join them since she also miss her friends but her friends might ask her why she left school. Chanyeol just looked at her a little sad sincee he really want to invite Harriette.

    "Okay fine. I'm going with you, guys", since it's Chanyeol's birthday, Harriette just said yes. They went to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate Chanyeol's birthday, it was his treat so they ordered a lot of food. Chanyeol, Harriette and their other friends are happily eating their meals when someone arrived.

"Happy birthday, Chanyeol!", Sehun and Kai entered the restaurant with a cake they bought for Chanyeol. Chanyeol was happy too because his friends has a surprise for him. All of them sang a happy birthday song for him while Sehun felt happy because Harriette was present there after how many months he didn't see her. All of them are happily talking and laughing when one of Chanyeol's classmate asked Harriette.

"Harriette, you're almost gone in our class for 6 months already, what happened to you?", one of Chanyeol's friend asked.

"I transferred to a new school. My brother Kris found a school somewhere here in our city, it's really beautiful so he decided to enroll me there", even though she felt bad lying, she just don't want that her friends to know that she don't study anymore and she's working in a coffee shop.

"Guys order more food! It's okay it's my treat today", Chanyeol told his friends just to change their topic about Harriette. At Luhan's home, he was still waiting for Harriette at the dining table. He decided to cover all the meals on the table since they were getting cooler and the candle that he light minutes ago was melting half already. He checked the time and it's already 8:40pm. Harriette was supposed to be home at 8pm but she's 40 minutes late already. Luhan felt worried but he thought that maybe Harriette's manager let her work overtime again.

"Bye Harriette!", Harriette's friends waved to her and she walked to go home already. She even checked the time it's 9pm already. She was walking alone when someone called her so she looked back, it was Sehun with his skateboard.

"Hi it's been a long time. I took your phone number from Chanyeol before to call you but your phone was out of service. We miss you already in class. There's an ice cream shop near here, let's eat?", - Sehun

"Sehun, it's almost 9:30pm I really need to go--", Sehun interrupted her when he grabbed her hand and they went to the ice cream shop. After they bought ice cream, Sehun was still following Harriette until they end up telling each other stories while walking at the streets.

"You really love skateboarding?", - Harriette

"Yes, it's my favorite hobby. Me, my father and my older brother used to play skateboard when we were younger", - Sehun

"You have a brother?", - Harriette

"Yes, I don't talk about him to my friends that much but I'm proud to have him as my brother. He's really the best brother ever. He would always give me good advice and for me he's just not my brother but he's my best friend too. Maybe some other time, I'll introduce you to him", - Sehun

"Sure, I think it will be great if I can meet your brother", - Harriette

"You want to try skateboarding?", Sehun offered his skateboard to Harriette.

"No, Sehun I really need to go home and I don't know how to use it I might fall", Harriette laughed when Sehun held her hand.

"I'll teach you, just hold my hand. If you ever fall, I'm going to catch you", Sehun taught her how to use a skateboard at the park. They were even holding hands laughing together when she almost fell but Sehun caught her.

"I need to go home", Harriette felt awkward and she left. Sehun was happy that he finally talked to Harriette after how many months of not seeing her.Meanwhile at Luhan's home, he was getting a little sleepy waiting for Harriette but still he waited for her and he checked the time it's 11pm.

"Where are you, Harriette?", Luhan sadly whispered to himself. It's almost 11pm, still she didn't come home yet. Luhan felt a little sad so he just blew all the small candles on the table that he lighted hours ago because they're almost melted.

"Happy 6th months to us, Harriette. It's the 6th month of our marriage and I know the first part of our marriage life was difficult after all the challenges we face together but we will get through this together. We just need to be strong. I love you and I miss you", Luhan said and he blew the melted candles on the table. Luhan felt sad since Harriette missed the surprise he made just for her

Afterwards, Harriette arrived when she saw the dinner table full of meals, melted small candles and a bouquet of tulip flowers. Harriette went to the living room when she saw Luhan sleeping. He fell asleep still wearing the tuxedo suit he wore for the supposed to be their dinner. Harriette realized that Luhan was supposed to surprise her but she went home very late so Harriette felt bad again. She even regret joining Chanyeol's birthday party.

Message: Sorry again for the wrong grammars. This story was made by my imaginations only. Don't plagiarize this story and don't translate it to other languages.

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