Our Perfect Family- Rotox

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Indigo's POV-

"Girls, get dressed and look presentable as we have a couple who are looking ay adopting in today!" June, the main worker here, demands. I drag my sore and battered body out of bed and walk over to the closet, picking out a random outfit. The outfit is a black halter top with a black and white skirt and denim jacket.  

Going over to the bathroom I share with three other girls, I walk in and put the blue indigo sign on the door telling them all that I am in. The signs are all similar to our names. Violet's is purple, Ruby's is red and Amber's is orange. Mine is blue because my name is Indigo. The theme actually works really well.

Anyway, I wash my face and moisturising, deciding to shower tonight like usual. I take the hair tie out of my hair and brush it, watching as it falls past my shoulders. After plugging in the curling wand and waiting for it to heat up, I loosely curl my hair. I mean, I doubt that I will be chosen, but I like curling my hair. Once I am finished, I put on a tiny bit of concealer, eyeliner and lip balm before taking off my Asos purple watermelon PJs and changing into my outfit.

Taking the sign off the door and walking back into my room, I pull out a pair of tan colour tights and put them on. I also put on a pair of heeled black ankle boots, not long before I go downstairs to see the rest of the orphans. "Indigo-Rose, I am glad to see that you are not late for once. Go and stand in your position and do it quickly as they should be here soon. You all know the drill. Don't speak until you are spoken to and don't be rude. You know what will happen if you break the rules." July smirks. The punishments at this place aren't that bad. For disobeying these rules, you will go in the basement at night, do more chores and not be fed for two days; that is probably why I tend to skip most adoption days.

After her little speech, I collect my name and age tag and walk down the line to my spot; it is in age order, so I am second as I am the second oldest. Violet is the only one older than me and she is 17, but we both get our own rooms, so it isn't too bad being second oldest. We all begin to talk in between us, but June shuts us all up as a car engine is heard outside. As someone knocks the door, I immediately look at my feet. I know that I can across as confident sometimes, but being in here really knocks your confidence. 

"Sorry we are late, Matthew spent ages drawing on his brows." A familiar voice apologises. My head is telling me to look up, but my heart is begging to resist the temptation, so I go with my heart.

"It is okay, I am June and this is July. We have about 29 girls here, ageing from 1 to 17. We think you would enjoy the younger kids more than teens over 14, but it is up to you." June says, sending a punch to my stomach. Does she really not want me to get adopted? I mean, the only ones over 14 are me and Violet.

"The other option is for you to go up and down the line before telling us up to seven girls who you like and want to interview. The have name tags, but if you can't see them, just point to them and we will sort it out." July suggests.

"I think that is the best way." Another voice chirps.

"Okay, let's go." June tells them, her heels click-clacking on the floor as she walks up the line. I hear the come closer to me, so I put my head up, but avoid eye contact at all time.

"Who is that?" The first voice asks, looking in my direction.

"That is Indigo and she is 15, but I advise not picking her." June smirks.

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