Apples and Bananas- Trixya + Violet and Ginger

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Katya's POV-

"Violet, all you do is where a corset and walk up and down the stage. I don't understand why you won our season, you were pretty shit." Ginger shouts; Violet just standing there, looking as if she is ready to snap. "I mean, you, Fame and Pearl were all good at nothing but looking pretty. I mean, even Sasha and Kandy were better at the acting challenges than you guys."

"At least I am skinny enough to wear a corset and yes, Sasha and Kandy were better than us at the acting challenges. That is why they were eliminated before Snatch Game and we weren't." Violet scoffs, rolling her eyes at the queen who has come runner-up to her.

"Let's face it, the top three should have been me, Katya and Kennedy or me, Kasha and Kennedy or even me, Jasmine and Kennedy. Ru and the producers only wanted you and Pearl there so the fans had a bit of eye candy and someone to get annoyed at when fan favourites aka talented people went home." Ginger screams.

"I earned my top in the top three, maybe Katya should have had your spot." Violet smirks, knowing she hit a rough spot for ginger. "You should have been killed along with other people when Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Frances."

"What the actual Fuck, Violet?!" Ginger exclaims, getting in Violet's face.

"You heard exactly what I said." Violet grins.

As the fight between my two of my best friends erupts and the angry insults fill my ears, my mind shuts down on me. The world is spinning and it is as if a tornado is surrounding me with me in the centre of it. Suddenly, the air becomes thinner and I feel sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Stop." I attempt to shout, but it just comes out as a cry. My heart feels as if it is about to jump out of my chest, my body is shaking like the earth during an earthquake.

"Violet!" I gasp, trying to get the attention of the younger queen.

"Ginger!" I wheeze, still trying to breathe as darkness is coming in flashes.

"Guys, what the hell?" Another voice screeches as a pair of arms are wrapped around my waist and I am pulled into a hug.

"Violet, you are so fucking ann.." Ginger states, but stops once she sees me.

"Ssh, Barbara." The familiar voice whispers.

"Tracy." I mumble.

"It's me, now follow my breathing." Trixie instructs, pulling my head into her chest. I listen to her heart beat and her breathing which I eventually manage to match mine too.

"We fucked up big time, Violet." Ginger sighs, looking at me and Trixie.

"Yeah, I should have stopped when I thought that I heard someone calling my name." Violet admits, looking at the floor.

"Thank Jesus that Trixie came in when she did, we probably wouldn't have even noticed Katya." Ginger says, also looking down at the floor.

"It is fine, I should have stepped in at the start to stop it all together." I dismiss which makes Violet and Ginger look up at me.

"We're sorry, Katya." They apologise in unison.

"It is fine, go and get pissed before the night is over." I accept, smiling at the two queens who walk out the door as they apologise to each other.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here. I would have probably passed out and then Violet and Ginger would have been in trouble with Michelle for not paying attention and arguing without taking in the feelings of other people." I smile, laying my head on Trixie's shoulder.

"I think I would have been angrier with them than Michelle; I feel something towards you, Katy. You know, we work because I look crazy and am classically funny and you look normal and are crazy." Trixie responds.

"We just click like apples and bananas." I laugh, looking up at her. Our eyes meet and then so do our lips. Passion and Love fill my body from head to toe and a warm fuzzy feeling settles in my stomach. "Talula, I feel it as well." I tell her as we break away from the kiss.

"Do you know why?" She asks me and I shake my head no.

"Because we work together like apples and bananas." Trixie finishes, pressing her lips against mine again. I have a small feeling this is the start of something new and for the better.

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