James Potter oneshot: Caught by the brother.

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I was sitting in the Great hall, next to my brother, Sirius and James. We were having a chat when we were having Breakfast. Remus was discussing something with Peter and i was talking to James. "Layla, would you like to hang around with me this noon?"

James asked and i nodded. I looked over to Sirius and he looked at me confused. I ignored Sirius and when Breakfast was over, we all went to our first subject for the day.  When it was noon, i waited for James outside of Hogwarts. When he came towards me, i smiled. We walked to Hogsmeade and we went for a drink in The Three Broomsticks.

 I sat down at a table in the far back and i waited for James to come with the butterbeer. When he walked towards me, i smiled and he placed the cups on the table. We started to talk and we got to know each other better. "Layla, i need to tell you something." He suddenly said. "What is it James?" I asked him, slightly scared for what he was about to say.

"Well, i have fallen in love with you from the moment i laid eyes on you." He said and i was a little shocked. "I feel the same way, James." I said to James. James started to smile like a child on Christmas Morning. When we were done, James and i went to walk around Hogsmeade for a while. "James, do you want to try?" I asked him and he looked at me, with a smirk on his face.

"Not that, i mean to start a relationship with me?" I asked him and he smiled. "Well of course, i want to try." He said and he gave me a hug. We sat down on a bench and we started to kiss, which soon turned out to make out. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he placed his hands around my waist.

We were so deepend in the kiss that we didn't even noticed that Sirius, Remus and Peter stood in front of us. "Layla, what are you doing?" I heard the voice of Sirius ask me. "Uh, kissing with James?!" I said and he looked at me angry. "Why?" He asked. "Well, we are dating. Since today." I said and Sirius smiled at me. "I knew that you guys would end up together." He said.

I looked at Sirius confused. " How do you know that?" I asked him shocked as we all started to walk back to Hogwarts. "Well dear sister, I have seen the way you looked at James." Sirius said and i blushed. We came to a stop and i looked at Sirius. "So you aren't mad, that we are dating?" I asked Sirius and he gave me a hug.

"No Layla, but James, if you break my sister's heart, i will break you." He said and i smiled and look up at him. "That's the  Sirius i know and love." I said and he smiled. We all walked back and James wrapped his arm around his waist. When the others walked into Hogwarts. James and i shared another kiss.


This was requested by MrsMarvelKnight. Thanks for requesting this and i hope you like it.

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