you find out your pregnant

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James: When you thought that you were showing signs of pregnancy, you decided to go to the muggle doctor and explained what you felt and what happened in the past weeks. After a few tests that he did, he came with the results an hour after the tests. And the doctor told you that you were pregnant. How were you going to tell James that he is going to be a father and you hope that he will take it well, when he finds out.

Sirius: When you visit your parents, you started to feel sick and you had felt this way for the past 3 weeks. Your mother knew that you weren't feeling well and she told you to do a pregnancy test. You thought it was unneedy, but you did the test anyway. Together with your mom you waited for the results and when the results were showing and told you that you were pregnant, you didn't really know how to feel. But since you and Sirius both wanted children, you couldn't be more happier then you were right at this moment and you were excited to tell Sirius.

Remus: You felt terrible for a few weeks and you decided to go to the doctor and get a check up. When she did some tests and she told you to wait on the results for 2 hours, you felt nervous. When the 2 hours were over and the doctor came back with the results, she told you the news. You were pregnant for a month already and you couldn't be happier. But you were a little nervous to tell Remus, because of his little problem, he would think that the child will be a werewolf. But for now, you will tell Remus and he will be there for every step you take in this pregnancy.

Lucius: When you thought that you were showing signs of pregnancy, you took a pregnancy test. You waited a few minutes and then looked down on the pregancy test. Yup, you are pregnant. You were really excited and you were excited to tell Lucius. But on the other hand you felt a little nervous to tell Lucius, because you didn't know how he would take it. But you knew that he would be excited to be a father.

Severus: You were currently staying with Severus at you parents house and you haven't felt yourself for the past few weeks. When Severus was walking together with Lucius, you decided to go with your mother to the doctor. When the doctor did some test to tell what was wrong with you. When the doctor told you that you were pregnant, you were excited and nervous at the same time. You were excited because you and Severus were going to be parents and nervous, because you had to tell your father. But whatever your father and Severus would say, you know that Severus will stay at your side no matter what.

Tom: You weren't feeling well and you even had some stomach ache, when you were readung a book about pregnancy, it told you that stomach ache was an sign of pregnancy. So you decided to take a pregnacy test and when the test told you that you were pregnant, you were very excited, because you get to start a family with Tom and you knew that he would take every step in this progress with you.

Regulus: You were waiting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, because we weren't feeling okay. When it was your turn, you told the doctor what was wrong and he already thought of one thing that could be the problem. You were pregnant and to be sure, the doctor took some tests. When the tests told you that you were pregnant, you were nervous to tell Regulus, because you don't really know that he already want to have a child, but you knew that you were ready, so You were excited to have this baby.

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