Chapter Six

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~Amber's P.O.V.~

Driving home was tense, I kept my face pressed by the window and his eyes never left the road. I knew that when we get home it would not be good. Pulling into the driveway he finally looked in my direction but I could not bring myself to look back at him. The truck came to a lurching halt and I slowly unhook my seat belt as I reach for the door handle the blow came out of no where all I remember is the feeling of the window against my cheek and the taste of the blood from biting my inner cheek. 

I get out of the truck cradling my face all I can see is his boots stomping to the front door I slowly walk down the path his hand shoots out and grabs a fist full of my hair. He throws the door open and drags me inside my scalp is burning and tears are starting to form in my eyes, I cannot cry it will only make it worse. 

He slams the door shut once as I stagger forward he yanks me back, and my back slams into the door handle. I stifle a scream as I slide down the door but he catches me by my neck squeezing hard I start to feel light headed, but he drops me like a sack of potatoes before I pass out. I watch as he storms away. He comes back a few minutes later with a little Swiss army knife. My breathe hitches, I know what is coming next he pulls me up by my hair and I cannot hold the scream in anymore.

"Shut up you little whore," he sneers at me, "I saw you with those two boys you should know to use one and then the other you do not want to make them jealous." He punches me in my mouth I heard the crack before I felt the pain, there was too much blood I had to spit but it was not just blood that came out, tears fall down my face as I watch three teeth fall on the floor. 

He slaps me across the face. "Now I am going to ask you a few questions and if you lie to me I am going to use your little friend, understand?" He emphasizes 'little friend'. I weakly shake my head yes.

"Good, now who were those boy's?"

I cannot tell him the truth, "They were just being nice helping me find my way around the school, I do not know them like that." I cannot help but whisper.

He slaps me again, "Now what did I tell you about lying to me, huh?" He strikes me again with the back of his hand.

I can feel the skin start to swell and a bruise starting to form. It stings but all I can do is stare at my sorry excuse of a father. I do not know what came over me in that moment, I cannot let him keep doing this to me it is time I fight back. He charges at me I dive out of the way but he snatches my hair and slams me to the ground. He had steps on my right leg with full weight walking over me like I am not even there. I cry out again, but it was no use no one was going to come and help me. Darkness falls over me as he grabs the knife from the stand. I do not remember him setting it down, before I can protect myself he slams the knife into my calf. Screaming is all I remember before passing out clutching my wound. 

When I come back to consciousness all I can feel is blood pounding in my ears and the back of my head pounding. Gently caressing the back of my head I feel a lump and the pounding gets worse with the more pressure I use. I hear the roar of the trucks motor, that must of been what woke me up, he must be going somewhere. I slowly raise myself up on my elbows bracing myself as the room spins. Sitting all the way up is going to be harder than I thought but I have to do what I have to. 

After a few minutes I finally bring myself into a sitting positions, he must of slammed my head against the floor and that is what knocked me out, I look at the blood surrounding me and feel nauseous knowing it is all mine. Looking at the blade in my leg I cannot decide if I should take it out or leave it in, well you have to stop the bleeding and the only way to do that is by putting pressure and you cannot do that with it still in your leg. Taking the cushion off the couch I bite into it grabbing the handle of the knife and yanking hard. 

Breathe just breathe you got it out now all you have to do is find something to tie around your leg. Grabbing the edge of the couch I pull myself onto my feet swaying as the blood rushes to my head. Holding onto the couch I look around the room, there is the curtain I can just tear a piece form the bottom, stumbling over to the curtain I slowly sit on the floor and use the knife to cut a strip. Pulling my knee up to my chest hurt more than I thought, but I slide my pant leg up and gently place the curtain over the wound tying it around the front of my shin pulling as hard as I can. 

I pull myself to my feet using the stand by the door, once I have my footing I yank the door open and step onto the path. I shut the door hard behind me stumbling forward, little pressure on your right leg, I lean to the left and start walking down the driveway. I make it to the mail box barely breathing, slow and steady wins the race or their life, that thought pushes me forward. The first driveway I come to is long, of course, I cannot see the house from the road but that will be good it means my father will not see me here. 

Limping up the driveway takes longer than I wanted it to but just as I am walking up the porch I hear someone running behind me. Turning around I do not see the person a second later Conner pops out around the corner. Racing up the driveway he reaches me in no time, grabbing my waist he helps me the rest of the way. 

"Amber, baby what happened to you?" 

I try to say I got away but I do not know if he heard me I cannot stop the darkness from taking over me and pass out in his arms. 

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