Chapter Four

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As we continue to walk down the hallway something finally dawns on me, I have my brother back. I look at my class list and see that I have American Literature next. With some teacher who's name is Mr. Coswell.

"So Carter how long have you been going here?" Curiosity killed the cat.

"About four years now.." He says with a hint of sadness. That puzzles me, why would he be sad?

Conner squeezes my hand and I jump I had forgotten that he was even there. I squeeze his hand back and gave him a small smile in return. He smiles back and we turn down a hallway and Carter suddenly stops in front of a locker. I have never been down this hallway at least I do not recognize it. 

"Who's locker is this?" I wondered out loud. He just stares at me like I grew an extra head in front of his eyes.

"Your's silly" He says with a smile and ruffles my hair. I glare daggers into his head as he turns away. Sorry I did not read every thing on the paper the lady handed me this morning.

"Hey do not touch the goods, okay?" I say jokingly but the look on my face is menacing. At least I think it is and he knows I hate my hair touched I always have. 

"What you gonna do about it? Hmm," He smiles. He backs away like hes waiting for me to charge at him. But I just smile sweetly and look over at Conner.

"Conner babe will you hit him for me?" I ask sweetly like a little kid and bat my eye lashes. He sends me a sweet smile and does not seemed fazed by the little nickname I used I mean he wanted to make Carter mad and this will continue our scene from earlier. 

"Sure babe," He drops my hand then cracks his knuckles and walks towards my brother with this evil look in his eye. Carter backs away and puts his hands up in surrender. He really looks nervous.

"Woah no Amber I am sorry, Okay? Just do not let him hit me okay?" His voice is a higher pitch than it was earlier in the cafeteria. He just stares at Conner as he stalks towards him, Conner looks like he means business and Carter looks like he is going to take whatever is coming to him. Why would he not defend himself? 

"Babe it is fine you do not have to hit him I just wanted to teach him a lesson and scare him a little which it seems like you did." Conner looks at my brother menacingly one last time then walks back to me and grabs my hand again.

I lay my head against his arm and we just watch Carters facial expression as it dawns on him what me and Conner called each other.

"Woah woah babe?" Carter looks at me then Conner with a look in his eyes that could kill someone. His face turns red and he looks at Conner like if he could he would kill him right where he stands and for some reason I think that could be true.

"Yeah I like Conner and he likes me so we are going to see how things go, right?" I look at Conner and bat my eyes. He just stares down at me looking lost in thought. After a minute he seems to come back from where ever he was and smiles a big smile. 

"Yeah of course," He squeezes my hand a little tighter. We look back at Carter and he seems to be fighting with himself over something, he looks angry and lost like he does not know what to do next. 

"You hurt her and I kill you, understand?" He sounds so serious I cannot help but picture him like my dad.

"You know I am not like that," Conner stands his ground and squeezes my hand again I do not know if it is to make a point to my brother or to help me calm my racing heart which I swear he could hear it was beating so loudly. After their little stand down we go our separate ways to class, Carter had my next class with me which I was thankful for. I would have gotten lost. 

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