After the Finally it Happend.

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A/n how am I doiing?

Scarlet woke up with a feeling of satisfaction and warmth when she felt Wolfe's humongous arms draped around her. She peered up at the peacefully sleeping Wolfe's face and felt so happy. She planted a kiss on his lips and he awoke with happy eyes and and a bright smile.
"Morning sleeping beauty, we have to get up"
His arms tightened "I don't think I'm ever going to let you go if you don't kiss me again."
She giggled (hating herself for it, then remembering who it was for) then she kissed him for what felt like forever then he let her go.

Scarlet gave him one last kiss then went to shower and change.

When she got out, Wolfe wasn't in the bed and she could smell of bacon from downstairs. He was cooking for her. Cooking. At first, she overwhelmed with panic but then joy. Sure Wolfe couldn't cook, but he was thinking of her.

She went down stairs and peered at her loving boyfriend, alpha. He was turned to the stove and wearing the "kiss the chef" apron, so she snuck behind him to wrap her arms at least half way around him.
"Can we do this all the time?" She asked.
"Yes. I would like that."
She unlatched herself from him and took a deep breath in.
"What do we have here?!"
"Eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, and fresh tomatoes, of course."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." They both smiled.

She pulled out two plates and cups for orange juice.
When she grabbed it out of the fridge, Wolfe was staring at the juice. Suddenly she knew why.
"Oh no. Don't tell me you haven't had orange juice!?"
He shook his head. "No, Levana wasn't very generous and neither was Jael."
She felt a tang of guilt at the mention of their names. But she shook it off. They were dead, and Wolfe was hers and safe.
"Well, you will love this as much as tomatoes or a close second because I grew the oranges in my garden and squeezed them myself."
He laughed.

She filled the plates with his food and set the table. They sat then started eating. The food was a little off but, a unique off. Wolfe tried the orange juice and his face was bright.
"You were right, this is delicious."
"I'm always right" she winked and he winked back.

The rest of the day was a drag for Scarlet. She had to make a delivery to the Rioux Tavern, she has to make a delivery and sign the plaque that Gilles put up. She couldn't have another simple day on the farm with Wolfe today.

So she got her orders ready and packed the delivery pod. She kissed Wolfe goodbye and headed out.

As she was arriving at the tavern, there was a swarm of people with cameras and posters with Scarlet's face on them. She grimaced. At least no one was using the signs to protest against her and/or Wolfe.

She parked the pod around the alley way and snuck into the tavern, going unnoticed. Emilie was there and when she saw scarlet, she squealed and jumped into a hug.
"Our little Scarling hero has returned!!"
"Em, I told you not to let him put up a plaque of me. I come home to this? Has it been this crowded lately?"
"Ever since you returned new people have come and gone. Hoping to get a glimpse of the Mutant Soldier and The Small Town Crazy." She rolled her eyes.
Gilles walked in and yelled at Em to get back to work.
"Uh-Scarlet, thanks for you know, stopping Levana with those fugitives. And sorry about yelling at your boyfriend last time you were around."
She made a face "Gilles, if I'd known you were going to get emotional I would have brought tissues. Honestly, Wolfe has totally forgotten all about what happened here compared to everything else. And, gee, your welcome but you should be thanking cinder, the girl your tavern wanted to use as bed mates."
"Can you just give me the order? I've been serving rotten food for weeks." He walked away.
She huffed, trying to blow loose strands of hair out of her face but only to have it come down again. She signed off the order and walked out to the dining hall.

She was overwhelmed with reports screaming questions like "what was cinder like?" "Did Levana ever try and kill you?" "How did you escape?" "Has your mutant boyfriend ever tried to kill you?" That last one ticked her very last nerve.

She let out a battle cry then reached for her gun and shot it upwards.
"Here's my statement. Us fugitives or whatever you want to call us, saved your asses, so if you really are grateful, you'll give us some privacy, back off, and by the way, no Wolfe has never tried to kill me."
The strangers in the tavern looked baffled and the not-so-much-strangers looked proud. But the reporters looked damn right scared. They all shared a look then ran out the door. If she was honest, she felt a little proud to.

Then people started clapping and she curtsied then laughed, the whole thing off. She signed the plaque and took pictures with various people. After it all, she was exhausted. Now she got to go home and see Wolfe.

When she pulled into the driveway, she saw another car, a news car. "Aces, do they ever stop?"

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