III. Anger Management

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Beast stood cloaked from head to toe so that the maiden would not be able to see his true form. He felt so compelled to gaze at her, but he did not want to scare her if his hood should reveal his face to her.

"Why am I here!? I have school today. And a dad who is going to be looking for me! Do you want to get arrested and go to prison? Because this is kidnapping!" Belle screamed out in frustration as her bravery flared, her blue eyes narrowed on Beast's cloaked form.

Beast liked the sound of her voice when she wasn't screeching, but he hadn't taken into account that she would have a family looking for her. He would need to fix that. Briefly, he wondered what her name was. He couldn't very well call her "maiden" for the duration of her stay. He just needed her to love him and share a kiss in his beastly form, but he did not see that happening.

If she saw him, she would run.

"Now, Belle. Master has awaited your arrival for so long! Please be understanding." Abigail attempted to soothe Belle and divert her aggression. She did not want the Prince to show his anger.

'Belle. So that is her name', He thought to himself.

Something inside him felt warm and it radiated from his chest as he thought of her name and the beauty she possessed.

Dealing with his hungry Lycan siblings in the basement had put him in a foul mood, but this beautiful creature, Belle. She seemed to soothe his beast, even when she was angry.

Belle scoffed. "Really, picture lady? He's the one who kidnapped me! I'm being held here against my will. I only came here to get out of the storm! Then this brute hit me over the head and locked me in a room!?" Belle's sharp eyes darted to Beast. "You better be lucky I don't have my knife, you suck-tard!" Belle threw up her hands, angry. The fear she felt had vanished, replaced by frustration.

Eerily, her nerves seemed to relax upon the presence of this large male who covered himself in a hooded cloak, even though he hit her over the head. He could be a serial killer and here she was, relaxing in his presence when she didn't even know what he looked like underneath the cloak.

"If he asks me to put lotion on my skin or else I get the hose again, I'm stabbing him with anything I can find." She thought to herself.

Belle was not only fearful of her future, but she had been talking to paintings! Not only that, but she had no idea what this man had planned for her. Belle felt she should be a little freaked out at the moment, but for some reason, she wasn't.

Beast growled low. "You trespassed on my property and you almost jumped to your death, out the window!" He took a few deep breaths, calming himself before he continued. "You may bathe in the washroom behind that door." He pointed across the room with a gruff voice. "Then you will pick a gown from the armoire and you will grace me with your presence in the next thirty minutes. It is almost time for dinner. There I shall explain a few things." He ground out between clenched teeth, her scent driving him mad, stirring the beast within.

Before Belle could reply, he turned and slammed the door shut, locking it for good measure.

Belle screamed out her frustration and reared back, punching the wall only to hurt her hand with a painful cry as she cradled it. Did he seriously think she would die from an eight-foot fall?

"It is not wise to anger the master, Belle." Abigail, the picture lady tssk'd.

Belle snapped her glare towards the painted lady. "Oh, what do you know, anyway!? You aren't even supposed to be talking and I could be imagining this entire thing!" She spat defiantly before pursing her pouty lips. "What did you mean he has been waiting on me for a long time, hmm?"

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