After the Revolution

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A/n  I've never done this before so... lol yah. Still please read and tell me if you like it and suck it up if you don't cause I don't care. But I love the Lunar Chronicles and I can't help it so I had to do this. Enjoy!

After the revolution, Wolfe and Scarlet stayed on the Rampion with Thorne and Cress for 2 weeks. Cinder had been crowned queen, while Iko had loved to just show up and wear Levana and Winter's old clothes. Kai had gone back to Earth to rule. Earth was in rejoice to hear that Levana's reign was over. Winter and Jacin had decided to travel the world because they'd never left Luna, except for when Jacin had borded the Rampion, but then again he was only on the ship and in FrahFrah. That just leaves us Wolfe and Scarlet.

Scarlet had told Wolfe that she wanted to take it slow and though he looked disappointed, he respected her decision. They had, had many "moments" together and though she had hated to admit it, she was having one of those gooey, high school girl crush-like, love feelings for him, always fantasizing and blushing around him.

Wolfe had slept in the guest room down the hallway from Scarlet's room (she had moved into her grandme'res room). It was the middle of the night and she felt urged to go to him and just feel the safety that she only felt in his arms. She knew he was still awake and wishing the same things.

She thought that maybe if she just went to the kitchen and made some food she'd be fine so that's what she did. As she walked passed Wolfe's room, she heard shuffling and footsteps. As she approached the fridge, she heard a door open and more footsteps (Wolfe's). She grabbed the tomatoes, (knowing that's what he would want) some lettuce, ranch, and carrots to make a salad.

Wolfe had walked in at this point, smiling but looking stressed.
"Can't sleep?" He asked.
"No. The nightmares." She lied.
He saw right through her. "Oh."
She had sliced his tomatoes and put them on a separate plate then passed it to him.
"Thanks, I don't think I'll ever touch a can of tomatoes ever again".(reference to the end of SCARLET)
She laughed and continued to make her salad.
As she ate her food, she felt Wolfe's stare.
"What?" She asked.
He blushed "you- your just so beautiful".
Now she was blushing "th-thanks" she managed "and your not to shabby yourself." They laughed.
"Do you want to take a walk?" He asked.
"Uhm, sure."

They grabbed their coats and shoes then headed out the door. The farm was so beautiful and she was so happy to be back, she missed her grandma but, she was happy to have her soul mate right next to her. She smiled.
She looked at him, really, looked at him. He was so handsome with his glowing green eyes, wild hair, and amazing physic. Even though the queen did things to him, he was still him and still painfully hot. But he looked distressed and distracted.
"Was there something you had on your mind?"
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"I-uh, aces Thorne would be so much better at this."
He looked at her and his eyes sparkled.
"Scarlet, I'm so tired of taking it slow, I want to lay in the same bed with you, to be able to kiss you whenever I want, I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. it's been killing me. I respect your decision and I love you for it but we literally went through a war together, I promise, I'm not going anywhere. you know how I feel about you. your everything to me and I hate being away from you even for a minute."
She choked up a laugh, he didn't seem to be amused.
"my alpha.." she paused, "I love you"
His smile was brighter than the moon.
"Now come here."

He leaned in and kissed her slowly at first but then added more passion. They sat under the stars until, who cares when, until Wolfe carried Scarlet to the house and they curled into the bed together.

A/n stay tuned for more WOLFLET!!! 💙


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