The Happy Ending

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Mark's POV~

I wake up around 5 in the morning and get up to go take a shower. I hear Jack call my name and then groan. I walk out of the bathroom to find Jack sitting on the bed bending over groaning.
"What ever you do, don't puke." I pick him up and take him to the bathroom. As soon as I get him in there he's bending over the toilet puking. I rub his back to comfort him.
"Remind me never to do that again."
"Sure. Now where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, Wade asked me to do that after you passed out on the sofa."
"Haha, you bastard." He says coldly.
"I love you too." I say as I walk out.
I find Bob grasping his head from getting up too fast.
"You want some coffee?"
He looks up and nods.
"Where's Jack?"
"He's upstairs in the bathroom puking his guts out."
"I know how he feels. Did any of us do anything odd last night?"
"Well since I'm the only one who can remember last night past the cake and I don't know how to explain it. Just watch the video." I say pointing at the computer.
"Why don't I do that when everyone's awake so that we can all hear the stupid stuff we did last night."
"Fine by me."
I hear Jack walk down the stairs.
"Please tell me that you're in the same boat, Bob." He questions.
"Yep, what do you say to watching our drunk asses do God knows what after everyone wakes up?"
"I'm up for that just in case we said or did something outrageous."
I laugh as I hand him and Bob cups of coffee and hand them pills to help shift the hang over.
"I suggest no one drives for a while, except me to go get more coffee." I say.
"I second that notion." Wade said pointing to the ceiling still lying down on the second couch.
We laugh and then Jack rushes to the bathroom under the stairs.
"He's not feeling too well is he?" Molly asks.
"At the moment, the hangover is the worst for him. Besides, he drank more beer than all of you combined."
"His true Irish spunk was let out on us last night." She laughs as he walks out.
"Are Ye bastards done with ta jokes yet?" His accent thick.
"Nope we're just getting started." Tyler replies.
We all laugh at that and Ethan sits up.
"What in the world happened last night?" He questions.
"No idea, Mark?" Yami appears, clearly not remembering what he had done the night before.
"Would you all quiet down!" Mattias says loudly, eyes still closed.
"Says the loudest one here." J-Fred jokes as he gets up off the floor.
"I'll be right back with some more coffee." I say grabbing my keys and heading to the garage.

{A Steaming Hot Cup Of Time Skip}

When I got back everyone was up including Tim and Sam. I start making more coffee and then I heard something I had hoped was a dream.
"Oh, Marky, do you love me?" My eye widened as I look at the screen that's playing the video from last night.
"Uh. . ."
"Do you want to make me yours Marky?"
"I don't, I love someone else."
"Who stole my Marky from me?"
"I was never yours. Yami, your drunk, you can't be serious."
"Oh, but I am."
"Yami, NO. I love Jack not you. It was fun to joke but Jack is more important."
"If he's so important to you then why don't you marry him?"
"I did marry him. Tim and Sam are our kids, we adopted them together."
I had heard this one to many times. I left the kitchen and went to me and Jack's room. I sat at the end of the bed and hind my face in my hands.

Jack's POV~

I turn around to see that Mark is no longer in the kitchen. I look around to see that he's gone and Yami is sitting with his face in his hands.
"Where'd Mark go?" I ask.
Everyone shrugs and look away. I get up and start to look for Mark. I look everywhere but no luck. I eventually find him in our room sitting on the end of the bed. His face hidden in his hands.

Mark's POV~

"Mark?" I hear Jack in the doorway, I refuse to lift my head.
For some reason I started crying in my hands.
"Mark, are you okay?" Jack asks rubbing my back after sitting down next to me.
"Mark, you need to talk ta me or I won't know what's wrong."
"Last night's what's wrong." I shakingly say between sobs.
"Mark, what was wrong with last night? Yami was drunk and did stupid shit. But you stayed strong enough to make sure he didn't try anything even stupider then kissing you. I'm going to kick his ass for that later."
I lift my head and stare at him. I can't think of movements or words to act out that I'm happy he isn't mad.
"Mark I love you. And as I think you said before 'there is nothing  in the world to make me stop loving you'. And that's more true than the fact that I am sitting next you in our room."
He hugs me and I cry even more in his arms. Once I stopped crying Jack started to kiss away the tears that were once there. We sat there a moment, then I looked down to see that my shirt was wet from tears. I pulled away and looked at him.
"Are you going to be alright?" He asked me.
"Yeah, let me change my shirt and I'll be down in a minute." I answer wiping what tears he left.
"Alrighty." He says as he stands up and leaves the room.
I take my shirt off and replace it with my dinosaur/godzilla tank-top. I straightened it and a little voice said in my head 'Bad idea Mark, don't do it, there are children downstairs, what ever happened to not letting Sam and Tim see? Why aren't you listening to me? I am your goddamn voice of reason, so, take off the Fucking tank-top and put on your motherfucking flannel!' I tried to think of what the voice ment but I couldn't put my finger on it. I went downstairs and made some more coffee, my back turned to the others.
"Dad, what's that mark on your neck?" Sam questioned.
Everyone moved to look at me. Clearly everyone had seen something but I wasn't sure what.
"Mark, you are showing off." Wade said.
"Shut up Wade!" Jack and I say in sync.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask.
"Their talking about the fact that your wearing a tank-top and it's been less than a month." Jack answers.
I stare in confusion. Then it hits me. The hickey. That's what the voice in my head was telling me about. 'I told you!'
"Uh, Tim, Sam could you let me and Jack talk to our friends in private?" I ask.
They nod and the head upstairs. I watch them go. When I turn around Wade burst into laughter.
"What?" I ask.
He turns to Bob and asks, "When was the last time we saw Mark with a hickey?"
"Let's see, about two or three years ago." Bob says.
"That sounds about right."
"Wade I swear to god. Don't bring it up again." I threatened rubbing my eyes in annoyance.
"What? The fact that the last hickey you got was from Amy?"
"I said, SHUT UP!"
"Oh come on Mark we're just bring up 'Amyplier'." Bob teased.
"Amyplier? What's that?" Yami asks.
I sigh of annoyance. I'm getting ready to punch Wade square in the jaw.
" Oh, it's just the ship name between Mark and Amy before he and Jack got together."
"You mean Mark's ex? The same ex that had sex with him and then left him some other dude?"
I grab Yami's shirt, pull him up to me and stare into his eyes with a cold expression.
"Don't fucking remind me." I say even colder than my stare.
I let him go and storm off.

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