Back together

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Mark's POV~

"Time is different?" I ask surprised.
"Do you not listen? Yes!"
Then Anti walks in looking tired.
"Dark, what are you doing?"
"Nothing Anti!" He says as he puts duck tape on my mouth.
"Why is Mark here?"
"He's, Uh, staying here a few weeks, and we're doing a challenge right now so why don't you go back to bed and rest."
"alright" He says turning around sleepily.
"Now back to business." Dark says with a smirk.

Jack's POV~

It's been 2 1/2 months since anti last talked to me about the plan to get Mark back. I'm out of the wheelchair and now I'm using a customized cane and walking stabilizers. I filed a missing person report but the police are no help. Hopefully Anti doesn't do anything stupid.

Anti's POV~

I watch as Dark yawns and stretches as he walks passed me.
"Dark, why don't you go to bed and get some rest. It's not like I'm going to have the kid in the next few hours. You look really tired."
"Alright, you sure you'll be ok for the next hour or two?"
He smiles and walks into our room. After about 2 minutes I can here him snoring. I then rush out to the garage where Mark is. He's tied up in a chair with his mouth taped shut. It looks as if Dark cut him on the side of the head. His eyes closed, if I didn't know better I would have thought he was dead.
"Mark, are you okay?" I asked worried.
His head snaps up and glares at me.
"Why do you care?"
"Jack and I started to plan on how to get yo....."
"Jack is trusting you?" He said interrupting me.
"Jack and I started to plan on how to save your sorry ass from drunk Dark!" I restated myself.
"Why should I trust you?"
"Would I be trying to hurt you when I have a risk of hurting my future child?!" I ask, nearly yelling.
"Good question, but I have a better one."
I sigh. "What's the question?"
"How long until Dark wakes up?"
"About an hour, hour and a half."
"Would you mind untying me then?"
I walk around the chair and grab the knife to cut the ropes.
"Jack filed a missing person report about 2 months ago in you dimension. The police dropped it ages ago."
"That's reassuring."
I hear Dark start to move around, I panic.
"If your found by the police tell them that you don't remember what happened, who took you or how you got that cut on your head." I say as I conjure up a portal.
"Now GO!" I say pushing him into the portal.
I close the portal and then drop to the floor in pain. Dark rushes in and teleported us to the demon hospital.

Mark's POV~

I get pushed through the portal and get teleported to somewhere in Pennsylvania. I stumble upon a road after wandering through the woods for a while. I hear a car coming as I walk along side the road. The car pulls up to me.
"Hey, buddy! Need a ride?" The guy driving asks.
I turn and face him. He sees the cut on my head.
"Y-yeah, actually." I reply weakly.
I get in the car and the guy takes me to the nearest hospital to get stitched up.
"How'd you get that cut on your head?" The guy asks.
"I uh got taken from my home."
"You mean like, kidnapped?"
We pull up to the ER and he takes me inside. After I was done getting bandaged police came in and asked me my name.
"Mark Edward Fischbach."
They look surprised at my last name.
"Do you know a Sean William Fischbach by chance?"
"Yeah, he's my husband."
"He filed a missing person case about two months ago, saying you were kidnapped."
"He got the kidnapped part right."
"Do you remember anything of your attacker or what happened?"
"No, I don't. All I remember is the bastard cutting my head."
The police nod and walk out. I see the guy who drove me here start to get questioned outside as the door shuts.

{Questionable Time Skip}

The police officers walk in.
"We called your husband and told him your okay."
"Sir, are you sure you can't remember anything at all that could help us track your kidnapper down so that he doesn't do it again."
"I'm sorry, I can't. Besides he had me blindfolded half the time."
"Hmm, when are you planning on going back to Ohio?"
"As soon as possible, I have two children and a husband who need to see me."
"Understood but, it may not be safe for you there. Did your kidnapper give signs of any motivation at all?"
"Not that I can think of. Sorry."
"Alright. Thank you for your cooperation."
And with that they walked out of the room.

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