Waking up

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{Gives tissue boxes} Here you'll need these for the first part. Read and Drive safely kids!

"Your husband has been in a terrible car accident and has not woken up since we wheeled him into the operating room. He blacked out most likely due to loss of blood but we can't be sure."
"Do you mind if I see him?" I ask after given the news of Jack being unconscious.
"Not at all sir." The Doctor says in a hushed voice opening the door.
"Thank you" I say as I walk in.
The door closes behind me so that I could have some privacy but I hardly notice. I'm just standing there, looking at all the wires and all the monitors around him, then my eyes fall on his legs, his left leg completely casted as well as his right knee and lower casted. My eyes start to sting, tears falling down my cheeks, I wipe them off and slowly walk over afraid that if I make a wrong move that it will send him flatlining. I stand beside him, tears streaming down my face, getting choked up.
"Oh god" I finally choked out after standing there a minute.
"Jack, oh my god, Sean c-can you hear me baby?" I ask expecting a response but get nothing.
I sit in the chair next to him and bury my face in my hands, crying softly making sure no one heard me.

Jack's POV~
I hear sobbing near me but I can't tell from where. This crying concluded a question that was asked. 'Jack, oh my god, Sean c-can you hear me baby?' And for some time now the person was crying, the question, it was faint but I heard it. I wanted to yell out at the top of my lungs 'Yes! I hear you! Please don't cry!' But alas I could barely move let alone yell. I wanted to be back in Mark's arms, his warm grasp. I wanted to be back at home on the couch watching a movie. I wanted to move! 'Ow!' I thought as I felt sudden pains in my legs when I tried to move them. I heard the person crying in the room stand up and walk to the door, more calm now. The door opens and then I hear a familiar voice.
"How is he doing?" It was Bob
"Dude, you look terrible" And Wade, my friends came to see me? Where's Mark?
"Mark, it's been two days since you left this room, you haven't got any videos up and people are asking Wade and I were you are. You gotta tell your fans something." Bob says, Mark has been with me the past two days? That was him crying, asking if I could hear him? I had know idea.
"Yeah, well I can't just leave him here with the feeling that he might wake up and find himself alone and with a totaled car." A husky, tired, dry voice answered.
"Man, Mark, you sound awful. This must be like hell for you." Wade take the words right out of my head.
"Yeah, I know" the voice that's supposed to be Mark answers.
"Mark, you need to get out of here for a few hours, it's really taking its toll on you." Bob says.
Right then Bob hit a nerve, spark, train of thought, I don't know! All I know is that suddenly I'm shifting my head to left towards them talking and all three noticed and I know because they silent for a moment, not moving with shallow breaths.

Mark's POV~
Jack started moving when Bob accused me for not leaving the past few days. He must've really hit a nerve because now everyone's quite watching to make sure he actually moved. Then slowly his eyes started to open and look at us.
"M-Mark?" He asked softly in a voice dry and hoarse.
I walk over as calmly as possible and answer "Yeah, Jack? I'm here baby."

Jack's POV~
I slowly try to get up after he called me 'baby'. But something large stops me, I look down to see two castes on my legs, then the pain starts to stab me again, more painful this time.
"Don't move too much Jack, you might hurt yourself"
"O-okay" is all I can get out.
Then Mark grabbed my hand and placed it on his lips and kissed it softly.
"I'm glad you're awake" I heard Mark say.
I can't get words out so I simply nod. I can see the concern in his eyes, wondering how much I'm straining myself to be awake, his soft brown eyes meet my gaze and they say everything. Mark is obviously tired, awake for the past two days I suppose, relieved that I'm awake, and scared that I would all of the sudden be out cold again.
"Jack, are you alright?" I hear Bob ask me.
I nod unable to make sound come out of my mouth.
I start getting dizzy and the room starts spinning. I grasp my head and groan in pain.
"I'll get a nurse!" I hear Wade say in the distance but he's still in the room, everything's going in slow motion, Mark is standing there reaching out to me and I'm falling towards the ground. Then everything's black.

Mark's POV~
"Sean!" I yell as I catch him from falling to the ground and put him back on the bed.
A nurse comes in and gasped at the sight of Jack out cold.
"Dr. Element, Mr. Fischbach woke up and nearly fell to the floor" she said into her radio.
"I'll be right there" Dr. Element replies over the radio.

»Septiplier sadness time skip«

Bob's POV~
"Sir, we found that your husband has a concussion and a skull fracture." The Doctor says to mark.
"Weren't you supposed to find that when he came in?!?!" Mark yells.
"Sir, we were worried at the time more about his legs and them bleeding out. Please, Sir, calm yourself." The Doctor said.
"Calm?!?! Why would I be calm about you making a mistake?!?!" Mark was really upset.

Welp! I cried while writing this. Any way keep the tissues, you'll need them for the next chapter. Sorry! See all you lovely masturbation Nekos in the next chapter!

The accidentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora