Chapter Two - Shocking

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"Khadija, where should we go today?" Aimen asked while smiling, she loves going shopping I think that would be the best place to go.

"How about we go shopping." I suggested while smiling at her.

"That's great." She replied happily, I knew she would like it if it was shopping.

"What are we waiting for then, let' go." I said excitedly while shouting but not loud I wasn't a loud person, and I love my religion so I love being a role model to my sister and brothers I hope they follow the right path.

"Yeah, but we have to tell our parents they wouldn't mind, because today is Saturday and there's no school tomorrow, so it's fine." she replied calmly while looking at me.

"Don't worry about our parents they wouldn't mind as long as I am and Nadia are going with you." I replied while smiling. "Get ready and come downstairs, okay? I will go talk to my mum and let her know we are going out."

"Great, then give me five minutes, and I will be downstairs." She replied as she stood up and went to get ready, so did I, I stood up and went downstairs.

"Mum, where are you?" I asked while looking around because our house was huge I couldn't find my mum.

"I'm here sweetie in the kitchen." She shouted, I went straight to the kitchen my mum always uses; we had three kitchens in the house.

"There we go, I found you mum." I said while hugging her really tight.

"I'm running out of breath." She said sarcastically.

"Oh really." I replied while giving her a kiss on the cheek and then I let it go of her.

"Mum I, Nadia and Aimen are going out." I said while smiling at her.

"Where are you guys going?" my mum asked while looking at me.

"Well you know, we are going shopping as usual." I answered while smiling; she smiled back because whenever we went out we would always go shopping because Aimen loved going shopping.

"Guess what?" my mum said while looking at me serious.

"What?" I asked while looking at her.

"I said guess sweetie." She said while smiling.

"I'm sorry mum it's like a habit; whenever someone tells you guess what? I say what back I'm sure a lot of people say that as well, but can't you just tell me, please mum?" I asked while looking at her and smiling like a little kid.

"Okay it's fine, I'm going too." She replied.

"Where?" I asked while looking at her, she can't possibly be going shopping with us, right?

"Shopping." She replied while smiling.

"Really yay, all the girls are going shopping, I'm so happy mum go get ready and then we shall get going." I said excitedly while giving her a tight hug.

"Okay sweetie." She replied while going to her room to get ready.

I waited and waited and finally my sister and Nadia came downstairs she's finally ready, she wore ebaya and a black scarf, I was already ready, I wore ebaya and a white scarf with black boots, I always told my sister that wearing ebaya is good, because you won't be bothered to choose clothes or an outfit, and it's good in Islam because it will cover your whole body. Plus you won't make your room dirty.

"You guy's took ages just to get ready." I said to Aimen while smiling at her.

"You think so? I thought I only took five minutes, just as I said." She replied while looking at the time. "But wait, did my mum say it was fine?"

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