Chapter 1

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Lucy Preston's phone chimed with a new message as soon as she stepped out of the shower. She knew it was Mason Industries trying to reach her, only to say Garcia Flynn had time traveled once again. Lucy sighed as she wrapped a towel around herself and walked into her bedroom to change.

            She glanced at the clock as she pulled on a black t-shirt, it was 2:23 a.m. Lucy has gotten back to 2016 at roughly 11:40 the day before. It was not easy being a time traveler out to stop a guy from ruining history, but it was her job now. She carefully walked down the stairs, once she was ready, trying to not wake her mother.

            It took Lucy 20 minutes before she arrived at Mason Industries. She noticed one of her partners, Wyatt Logan, walking into the building just as she exited her car.

            "Where has Flynn gone now," her other partner, Rufus Carlin, asked as she entered the conference room to the get briefing.

"Flynn has gone back to November 16, 1894," Agent Christopher stated and glanced at Lucy, "What is the significance?"

Wyatt and Rufus also awaited the answer by staring at the tired Lucy, "That was a, uh, day for before the capture of H.H. Holmes, the serial killer." Rufus' eyes grew a bit wider when hearing "serial killer" but he tried his best to hide it.

"Oh, a serial killer, how lovely," Wyatt said sarcastically rolling his eyes, "Do you suppose Flynn wants to make sure he doesn't get caught so he can continue killing?"

"That sounds reasonable. But we haven't been right on his motives so far," Rufus said, his voice cracking the slightest bit. Agent Christopher gestured to the wardrobe dock before saying, "Okay you know what you are getting into, so please go get changed."

The trio followed orders and marched downstairs to find the proper clothing.


Lucy ended up wearing a light blue dress with dark blue flowers stitched on the bottom that puffed up around the hips. She also had to wear a dark blue petticoat, white gloves, and a black hat that had black feathers sticking out from it to finish it off. Wyatt's clothes were a little less extravagant, he wore simple slacks with a white undershirt, a long black coat, and a walking stick. Rufus was wearing similar clothes to Wyatt except he had a black vest under his coat.

"The 1890's ladies sure liked to be over the top, huh," Wyatt chuckled when he saw Lucy emerge from the dressing room in her new get up. Lucy couldn't help but laugh, admitting it was a little much.

The three of them walked to the time machine in the middle of the room and were wished farewell as they climbed into the big metal death trap. Rufus started up the machine once he was buckled in, waiting for Wyatt and Lucy to strap in.

                "Can't wait for the day where we never have to get in this thing again," Lucy mumbled as Wyatt reached over to help her buckle in. He gave a little smirk as he tightened the straps.

              "Maybe this will be the last one," Wyatt said looking at Lucy as he finished buckling up. The time machine gave a sudden jerking motion as Rufus started the time jump process. A few vibrations later the time machine landed in a forest just outside Boston, Massachusetts.

         After walking miles in the forest the time team reach the city limits and see Boston ahead. "Okay, so when we get to the city where will Holmes be," Rufus asked as they slowly made it closer to the city.

        "I'm not entirely sure. The police hunt him down within the city, so he could possibly be hiding in alley ways," Lucy says trying not to trip over anything as they enter the city.


     "Flynn! I need a word," Roland Green shouted as Flynn's group walked through Boston. Flynn turned around with a sour look on his face.

      "Green I remember having a discussion with you about questions during a mission," Flynn stated not looking amused.

      "I know sir, but-," Roland began before being cut off by one of the other men in the group pointing to a dark alley way. Flynn ignored Roland and went to the front of the group as they entered the alley way.

      "That's it," He mumbled to himself backing away quietly, "I'm taking my revenge into my own hands."

Tell me what you thought in the comments. I'm open to critiques and improvements so I can make to the story better.

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