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Meet Morta; A woman who's lived with a false identity, her true life unknown to anyone, and trained to be an a wraithe that courses through the alleys of NYC eliminating the scum that defile it on her path of revenge against the SP Turtles that destroyed everything she'd worked for...

Name: Katrina Morain  (sidenote: not her real name, thats unknown by anyone)

Nickname: Rina (call her Kat and she may just behead you)

Alias (goes by this one the streets): Morta (based on the Roman Fates Death Goddess)

Age: 27

Species: Peninsular Rock Agama Lizard Mutant

Gender: Female

Occupation: Ex-FBI Special Division Agent; now she roams the streets as a vigilante...with a person vendetta against the Street Punks

Personality: Headstrong, Fierce, Sharp Witted, Sarcastic, Stretgistic, Sharp Relfexes, Uncaring toward Criminals, 

Home: Lives in an old abandoned apartment block and has it hotwired with security, prepared for an assualt if it comes.

Additional info:
-Weapons: Twin Kama's
-Likes: MetalWork, Macadamias and White Chocolate, Storms, Fall/Autumn
-Hates: Clowns, Criminals (any who disobey the law), Summer,
-Habit: When shes nearing her targets, she ometimes tends to whitle in a low echoing tune, and it isn't uncommon for her to end up laughing little insanely while in a kill
-Extra Traits: Her eyes glow brighter and canine's extend at nighttime due to a genetic default that occured in her mutation. She has several scars lacing the back of her head, remains of the explosion and impact. She is semi-nocturnal, preferring to sleep away the day and roam the streets of the city at night.
-Illness: Unknown to her she does have mild brain injury resulting in her, switch in personality and thought process...It is slowly killing her and leaves her with infrequent migraines...but she poays no heed to it as of yet.

History Summary: Prior to her arrival at the FBI training facility, barely anything of her past is known. If looked into, her past was simple...grew up in small town in Russia, good school, high grades, no ciminal record or black marks on her file, got engaged at age 19 but her fiancee was slain by street thugs a few months later. What has yet to be discovered, is she is not who she claims. Deeper digging will find that Katrina Morain, also died during that assault...a fact well covered up by one who had stolen her name and identity, using it to get into the FBI. With her display of skills, Rina was suggested to join a special division training, and she 'humbly' accepted. During that training regime, she was trained and formed into a weapon of the agency with only nine others making a special squad to deal with, unqiue or under the radar cases...and on their first assignment to retrieve and capture the abnormals roaming the streets of NYC and investigate a 'strange' shipment...things went south. Soon after they'd hit the warehouse, with bombs previously set by the SP Turtles they'd been tracking as well, the entire place exploded with her and her team inside. Furthest from the devices, Rina lived...only thanks to the mutagen that splashed onto her when she crashed into the box containing it. Wracked with burning pains she forced her way outside again, collapsing out cold not long after. When she came to...everything changed. Coursed with anger over her teams death and his unsightly mutation that now rendered her a freak; her agenda flipped on its head...her primary target, solely the ones that had caused everything to happen that night... Driven by this vendetta, she solely wants their heads on a spike and to rid the city of its impure street scum. And doesn't plan to stop until either she's dead, or they are...uncaring of removing any who get in her way or go against what she believes is right.

(Had fun with this one! This is only summed up bio for now but hey~ been ages since my last post so! Im back on here again and best way to return is to post XD lol
Morta is My entry for SirConCon's Street Punk Enemy Contest over on dA! XD)

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