"Did you regret it?" Noah asked so suddenly I had to have him repeat the question. "Did you regret it?"

I buried my head into my arms, trying to get something out of my unresponsive mouth. Without even having to look up, I knew Noah's sapphire blue eyes were trained on me, giving my an intense gaze-one that I could not meet nor keep. Perhaps I took too long in answering because I felt him sigh and get up, which immediately resulted in me getting up. Tangled in sheets and slightly cringing from my soreness, I caught hold of his large hand.

"Noah..." I trailed off, not wanting him to leave.

"Just tell me if you regret it or not." his eyes flickered with annoyance at having to ask me the same thing thrice.

"I just..." I looked away from his analytical eyes and fixed my eyes on the wooden bathroom door behind him. "I just don't think it should've happened-"

He yanked his hand away from mine before I got the chance to finish my sentence, and it me that he had interpreted what I said incorrectly. "No, Noah, that's not what-"

"It's okay, Cupcake," he interjected abruptly, "we can-we can pretend like it never happened. We were drunk." He spit it out as if the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.

I nodded slowly, still wanting to tell him that I hadn't wished it didn't happen, just that it had happened under different circumstances. I honestly, with all my heart, had not regretted it.


Looking out the window of Noah's Cadillac, I sighed yet again. The faraway luminescent blue glittered back at me. The faint sound of massive white waves crashing against the light brown sand and dull gray boulders could be heard. The sound was comforting and calming and offered a small escape from the atmosphere in this car.

The sexual tension was practically peeling off our skin as we both resisted the urge to touch one another, afraid of what the outcome of the simple interaction would be. And just as sexually tensed we were, we were twice as awkward. I couldn't get words out my mute mouth to even try to make small talk. I curled my hand into a tight fist, irritated at how ineffectively I was easing the uncomfortable mood.

It shouldn't have been so hard. Before Noah and I had become good friends, we had been in plenty of awkward and quiet situations where one us managed to make small talk which had in turn caused us to learn more about one another, but it didn't seem to be happening right now.

For the fourth time in the thirty-minute car ride we'd been in, Noah's hand reached over out of habit to rest on my thigh. But unlike habit, instead of laying on my leg, his hand hovered over it, as if contemplating whether or not setting his hand on my thigh would be a smart move. After a few moments he seemed to have made up his mind and glued his hand back to its place of the steering wheel.

I sighed, once again, tired of the unofficial 'no touching' rule we had both unknowingly were following. Reaching my hand over, I grabbed his hand and let it make contact with my leg. "You can keep your hand here if you want," I informed him, all the while patting his hand. The simple contact, after so long of no touching made my skin tingle and gave me a warm satisfaction. We were on the path back to normal behavior and diverging from the sexually tense and slightly aroused even though we couldn't get a non-fuzzy memory of the night before. Well, at least I was still slightly aroused at the fact that Noah and I had made love, but I immensely regretted that I had heavily been under the influence and not being able to remember it anymore. Oh, the joys of drunken sex. Wake up and realize how idiotically stupid you were to do 'it' while you were so drunk it was surprising you didn't have alcohol poisoning. What moron in their right mind even let us in? Oh...right, Noah had paid the bouncer. Well, what kind of a cheap scumbag was he to let two underaged teenagers into a club that was practically overflowing with booze? That little...he'll feel his own karma for being able to be bribed so easily.

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