Chapter 12

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Annabeth's POV

"We could of atleast taken a shower."

Percy scowled. "I told you, I'm not taking anything from my dad."

"Who's just a fisherman?"

"... shut up."

"Let's eat something. I'm starving." Grover said hastily.

"We don't have any money."

"Fuck that. It'll work out somehow."

"We can cry." I suggested.

"We're not kids anymore, that doesn't work." Grover said.

"If the waiter is a guy-"

"Annabeth, you know that's one of the things you cannot do."

My cheeks burned. "Well, if it's a waitress, Percy can try flirting with her."

Percy was silent.

"We'll see later. Let's eat first."


The waitress stared at us skeptically.

"We want to order dinner." Percy said.

"... you guys have money to pay for it?"

I scowled immediantly. Did we look that bad? Well, we probably did, but I hated people who asked that.

Suddenly, a rumble shook the whole building. A motorcycle the size of a baby elephant had pulled up to the curb. Everyone had stopped talking to stare at who was coming in.

The man was dressed in a red muscle shirt and black jeans and a black leather duster, with a hunting knife strapped to his thigh. He wore red wrap around shades over a face criss crossed with scars.

I knew him.

The son of Zeus and Hera, one of the gods. Patron of the meanest, biggest, badass kids at our school.

So natrually, he was the biggest bully at our school as well as a teacher.

He sat next to Percy, squashing him toward the wall.

The waitress blinked. "So... you have any money to pay for it?" She repeated.

"It's on me."

The waitress went off to the kitchen, and Ares smiled thinly at Percy.

"So how's our little cousin doing?"

"Fuck off." Percy snarled back.

"Percy." Grover warned.

"S'okay. I don't mind a little attitude as long as he knows who's boss."

"I don't want your help."

"Oh, but you need it." He put his phone on the table. "Just one phone call, and you'll be sent back to school along with these others."

The waitress came back with heaping platters of food. She stared nervously at Ares. He gave her a few golden coins- the currency only used in our school. One coin was about 100 dollars, but you could only use it at our school, so it was useless unless you melted it and sold the gold.

She was silent. "Sir, this isn't-"

Ares took out a knife and started filing his   nails. "Got a problem sweetheart?"

She shook her head and scurried off.

"... thank you Lord Ares."

He nodded. "Nice seeing you again."

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