Chapter 1

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Emily's PoV

Several weeks had past and it was now senior year. Finally!
I can't wait to finish school since it's so boring.
But never mind that, the cut on my head has finally healed along with Bella's broken leg. Though we were now very careful with what we do. No more running off and almost dying.

I apologised to dad and asked if I could stay in forks. He agreed and mum was disappointed that I didn't want to move to Jacksonville but was happy that I finally found someone who truly loved me for me. I also had a bunch of great friends which hopefully I may be able to call family one day.

Today, though was mine and Bella's birthday. I was so excited about it! But Bella, being Bella, was not. The past few days she was miserable, I asked her about it a few days ago.

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"So bells why are you not excited about our birthday? We are turning eighteen, you should be happy," I asked, confused as to why Bella was acting so miserable, "we are officially going to be adults."
"I'm not in the mood, em," Bella replied.
"Oh c'mon bells, it can't be that bad," I say, attempting to convince her to tell me.
She stopped walking and turned to me.
"In a few days time I'm gonna be one year older than Edward, and I don't want that to happen," she admits. I laugh at her.
"Really bells, that's what your worried about, that your going to physically be one year older than him, bells he is a whole century ahead of you, so stop worrying," I say to her, "I want to have the best day with you on our birthday."
"Why aren't you concerned about your age?" Bella asks me, changing the subject slightly. I sigh.
"Because, Jasper is nineteen, and I'm only turning eighteen, besides it is not like I really care what age we are anyway, I'm pretty sure he is older than all of them, except Carlisle," I reply, "Now let's go I don't want to be late for class."

-End of flashback-

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I woke up early, since it was mine and Bella's birthday. I got out of bed and went over to the door that joined mine and Bella's room. I opened it and walked over to her bed. She was still sleeping, but she seemed to be having a nightmare. I quickly move over to her. 

"Bells, bells, wake up," I say to her gently, shaking her slightly. 

She bolts up, hitting my head, since I was leaning over her. 

"Ahhhh Bella, geez, that really hurt," I shout whisper to her, holding my now slightly bruised head. 

"Sorry em," she apologises to me, while rubbing her head too. 

"It's okay, anyway are you feeling alright, you looked like you were having a nightmare, are you ill?" I say to her, putting my hand on her head, checking for a temperature. 

"I'm fine Emily," she replies, pushing my hand away from her. 

I grin and gesture for her to move over so that I can get into her bed. I climb in and we lay there. Bella then decides to tell me what she dreamed about. 

"It was a nightmare and it was about Edward. I was in a meadow, and I thought I saw gran, I was about to walk up to her when Edward came out of the forest, his skin dazzled under the sun and he showed gran what he really was. We then walked up to the gran and I was about to introduce Edward to her when she did too. It made me realise that I'm going to grow old and grey so quick if he doesn't change me," Bella tells me, a few tears escaping her eyes, "To be honest what truly scares me, is that he will leave me when I'm all old and grey," 

"Oh Bella, it will be fine, Edward would never leave because of that, he loves you way to much," I say, in hopes of boosting her mood. It works since, she gives me a small smile.

"Now, forget that, we are going to celebrate our birthday today and worry about all that other shit tomorrow," I say to her grinning. She nods. 

I quickly jump out of bed and rush of into my room where I grab her present. I walk back into her room and see that she got mine.

"Happy birthday Bella," I say. 

"Happy birthday Em," she says back. 

We then exchange gifts. Bella wasn't one for gifts but because I'm her twin she doesn't mind us giving each other presents.

I open my present from her, I gasped at what I saw, it was a bracelet that had the words 'Always and Forever'. It was so beautiful, I quickly put it on and admired it.

"I love it bells," I say, "Thank you." 

She then opens my present. I got her a heart shape necklace that was a locket, inside there was a photo of just me and one of us together. She gasped as she saw it. I knew that she wasn't a big fan of jewellery but she was so happy that I had gotten it for her. In fact she actually put it on. 

"Thank you Em, I'm gonna wear it all the time," she says to me. 

I move over and give her a hug, she hugs back.

Suddenly there was a knock at her door. Dad then walked in with some gifts. I grin as he makes his way over. 

"Happy birthday girls," he said, passing me my gifts. 

"I thought we agreed no presents," Bella says. 

I scoff, "You did, I didn't." 

I quickly opened my presents and found that I had a new sketchbook from dad and a photo album from mum, along with a camera. 

"Well the one from me isn't wrapped, so it doesn't count," he says to Bella handing her a new camera. Bella's was pink while mine was purple. She takes it from him. 

"That's actually great, thanks dad," Bella says. 

"Yeah thanks for the presents dad, I love them," I say. 

"I got this present from your mum, we coordinated, hence why Emily has a photo album and camera," he says pausing, "well she coordinated me."

I laugh at him, while Bella opens it.
"It's for your senior year girls, so you can put your photos in," he then continues to say to both of us, "wow senior year." 

"I know it's crazy isn't it dad," I say. 

He smirks at us,"How did you both get old so fast." 

Bella freezes in place, while I just laugh and wink at him. 

"Not revealing my secrets," I say, joking with him. He smiles at me. 

"We didn't, it's not that old," Bella then replies. I roll my eyes at her. 

"Well I don't know," dad says, smirking at me. 

"Is that a grey hair?!" I gasp in disbelief, pointing at her head. 

"No," Bella says panicking, moving to look in the mirror, "No way." She checks her hair quickly, and realises that there was no grey hairs at all. Me and dad back off slightly, seeing her glare. Both of us smirking.

"Happy birthday," he says, walking away, closing Bella's door behind him. 

She looks at me, her eyebrows raised," that's really funny." 

I just wink at her, "happy birthday bells." And with that I rush off back into my room, where I get ready for school.

Emily Swan✨New Moon✨Jasper HaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz