22 | First singing lesson

Start from the beginning

"Maybe preform your own song. It's way better. Plus you'll prove something to the talent scouts. I also heard Simon Cowell would be there." The man leaned himself back in the chair, looking at him.

"Maybe." Liam said and shrugged her shoulders, brushing his fingertips over the keys. "Mind playing your good ol' teacher something?" The Irish man grinned at the boy and stood up, slightly limping towards him before taking a seat beside the curly haired boy.

"You're not that old." Liam snorted and rolled his eyes at home, giggling. "You're like twenty-five." He smiled, making the blond chuckle.

"After that fall, I do feel like my grandpa." Mister Horan stretched himself a little, Liam flinching when he heard a few of his bones crack. "Ew." He scrunched his nose up in disgust, pushing the Irish man a little, causing him to huff out a loud laugh, his perfectly straight teeth showing.

"Yeah yeah, well less talking and more playing love." He chuckled and nudged the students shoulder, smiling at him.

Liam nodded and grinned, slowly starting to play a melody of his own songs he wrote when he was younger.


Liam was chewing nervously on his bottom lip, fiddling around his fingers as he examined himself in the mirror. He was wearing a short white ruffled skirt, a jeans/top jacket tugged into it whole a big light brown belt was wrapped around his waist. A few buttons were popped open, exposing his smooth and yet chiseled chest. He was wearing his favorite heeled brown boots which suited perfectly to his belt. His long curls were tied up into a pony tails, few of them dangling off the side of his forehead. The make up he wore was decent, the only thing popping was his black eyeliner and his light red waterproof lipstick.

He's honestly never felt this nervous before, maybe it was because he was going to hang out with Toni and some of his friends who were of course popular in their school and didn't like him so much. It wasn't a good idea that he agreed to the hang out. Definitely wasn't.

He feared that he would ruin their night, that he would embarrass himself in front of everyone. But mostly he feared that Toni would just do this out of pity, but he also didn't want him to think he was a rebound to him.

Liam shook his head. He was overthinking everything again, stressing himself. He sighed softly and took one more glance at him before slowly walking towards his bed. He stuffed everything he needed into his huge leather purse his brother got him for his birthday, biting his lip.

"You look beautiful." The boy jumped for the second time that day, looking over to his balcony to see Zayn standing there, leaned against his doorframe, wearing nothing but a pair of low hanging sweats. His breath hitched at the sight of him, his eyes gazing at the lads toned abs.

"What— um what are you doing here?" Liam cleared his throat, tearing his eyes off the lads body and continued to pack his things, biting his lip hard.

"I just came to check on you and I can see you're not getting ready for bed." The blond rose a brow at him and pushed himself off the doorframe, slowly walking up to him.

"I'm going out." Liam replied and slung the bag over his shoulder, turning around to face him, only to squeak when he noticed how close he suddenly was.

"Oh yeah? And who are you going out with?" Zayn asked, looking down and into the brunettes eyes. "Um that's none of your business?" Liam narrowed his eyebrows at him before rolling his eyes and gently pushing him away, making the taller lad grab his wrists.

Playing pretend | ziam {mpreg}✔️Where stories live. Discover now