Chapter thirty nine

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Tiffany's P.O.V

"You almost done packing?" Justin asked slithering his hands around my waist as I placed my clothes in the suitcase.

"Yup just a few more things," I answered packing my heels into the side of the suit case.

"You excited?" Justin asked, spinning me around so I was facing him.

"Yes, it's like my dream to be in New York on New Year's Eve, I don't know why," I replied placing my hands around his neck.

"Maybe because it's your dream for me to be your New Years kiss," he said winking at me.

"You wish Bieber," I told him as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Oh so now we're on last name terms again, well two can play to that game Somers," he told me pulling me closer so our foreheads were touching.

"Oh shut up and kiss me," I told him as I cupped his face in my hands and smashed our lips together.

Things were about to get heated right before I opened my eyes slightly to find Chaz and Ariana staring at us strangely.

"Uh, not to be rude but can I help you?" I asked then confused breaking Justin and I from our kiss.

"And it better be a good excuse for interrupting us," Justin said a little annoyed which made me laugh a little. What can I say he's cute when he's annoyed.

"Well we were coming to say that our flight is soon and to hurry up but then you guys looked so cute so we decided to watch," Chaz said.

"Dude, what has gotten into you? I swear you get stranger by the minute," Justin said making both me and Ariana laugh.

"Yeah yeah, now do you guys need help with your bags?" Chaz asked us.

"Not if you're going to fall down all the stairs with them like last time," I replied laughing at the memory.

"Hey, we agreed to not bring that up," he said pointing a figure at me.

"Well then get out and we'll be there in a minute," Justin said closing the door on them. He then turned towards me and licked his lips.

"Now, where we're we before we were rudely interrupted?"Justin asked placing his hands back on my waist.

"I think I was finishing packing," I said pecking his lips once and turning back around to finish.

"Really babe?" He said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yup, come on help me bring these down stairs so we're not late," I told him pointing to my suitcase.

"Fine, but you owe me later," he said as he went for the bag.

"We'll see about that," I said as he playfully rolled his eyes.

We grabbed the bags and walked down stairs to find Ariana and Chaz already there.

"Wow, Chaz you made it down here will all bags without killing yourself?" Justin asked with a smile on his face indicating that he was kidding.

"Yes, I'm not that clumsy," Chaz defended himself.

"Think again," I scoffed.

"You two just love teaming up on me don't you?" he questioned looking at us. We both looked at each other and nodded our heads.

"Yeah," I said.

"Pretty much," Justin said right after me.

"You two are cruel," he said to us.

"Don't worry you have me," Ariana said facing him.

Immediately when Chaz heard her his face light up and started waltzing over to her.

"Thank God I do," he said putting his arms around her waist as she placed her hands around his neck giggling. They slowly leaned in and before we knew it they were making out.

"Ok, stop I give up just please stop," I said hiding my self in Justin's shirt making him chuckle.

"Nope,I can't wait for that midnight kiss," Chaz said looking into Ariana eyes making her blush.

"Let's please go before I vomit," I gagged.

I looked at Justin who was obviously one step ahead of me and he started grabbing the bags.

We all took one so we wouldn't have to take a lot if trips and went out to Justin's range rover.

Did I ever mention that I love that car? Cause I do.

We all piled in after the bags were in with Chaz and Ariana in the backseat and Justin and I in the front.

"If you guys thinking that by sitting in the back allows you two to make out the whole way there, you're wrong," I informed them making them drop their heads down in disappointment.

The car ride there was pretty quick and Justin pulled up next to his plane. (A/n: I'm not even sure if you're allowed to do that but whatever)

The workers immediately opened the trunk and started taking the bags to put them in the jet.

We all got out of the car and Justin gave his keys to Kenny who literally appeared out if nowhere.

Justin then jogged over to me and put his arm around my shoulders as we continued to walk towards the plane.

"Kenny's not coming?" I asked in confusion as we walked towards the plane.

"He is but later," he told me causing me to nod in response.

We all piled into the plane and Justin and I went to our usual spots. The minute we sat down I put on my seatbelt and snuggled up to Justin, closing my eyes.

"Tired?" He asked me laughing slightly by my sudden actions.

"Who wouldn't be if you were waken up by Chaz jumping on me again?" I asked him reminding him of the morning and how Chaz woke us up.

"Trust me, I remember. Remind me next time to always lock the door when he's in the house," he told me as the pilot said something.

"Next stop New York," Justin said kissing my head.

Before I knew if I fell asleep into a deep slumber snuggled in Justin's arms.

"Tiffany, baby wake up," Justin said shaking me light.

"What?" I said half asleep.

"We're here," he told me unbuckling his seat belt.

"Already?" I asked him. That was way too fast.

"Yeah you slept for the whole flight," he told me and he got his stuff together.

"How is it that I'm always passed out on plane rides?" I joked as I got up.

"No clue, but you're a cute sleeper," he complimented laughing slightly.

"Oh God what did I do this time?" I asked him.

"You kept saying my name and how you loved me and stuff. I remember you also mentioning how you were going to kill Chaz or something," he told me making me go red.

"Oh my God that's so embarrassing," I said putting my hands over my face.

"Nah babe, it was cute," he said taking my hands down and kissing my cheek," come on."

He took my hand and we exited the jet.The moment I stepped outside a gust of air came by making me shiver. I don't remember being this cold.

"Cold?" Justin asked me obviously noticing my reaction.

"A little. I kinda forgot it's not like California weather here," I said rubbing my arms as if that was going to help me become warmer.

"Here," Justin said taking off his hoodie and handing me it.

"No, Justin you're going to be cold then," I told him refusing to take it.

"I have one in my bag. Plus, if you got sick I would never forgive myself," he told me gesturing me to take it.

I gave in since I wasn't in the mood to argue and I was freezing. A car pulled up in front of us which we all went into.

Once we got in, Justin told the driver the directions to our hotel and he started driving.

I can't believe New Year's Eve is already tomorrow. Well it's been one hell of a year.


Chapter end notes:

Aw Justin is such a gentleman.

Okay so I don't know about you, but I'm so confused about the Jelena situation after all the stuff milk tyson is saying.

Thank you sooo much for the reads. We almost have 10k!! Love you.

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