I was finally feeling better so Josh decided to take me out. "You better not be proposing!" I said as we left his place. "I'm not ready for that kind of commitment!" Josh laughed, opening the door for me. "We have to date for awhile before I can even think about that!" Josh said. We jammed to All Time Low on the way to Olive Garden.

Basically, our lunch was jokes and breadsticks. We headed back to Tyler's place so we could all hang together. Josh and I beaded inside to see my mom on the phone. "She's 19! You can't do that!" My mom said to whoever she was talking about. "Chris, who's mom talking to?" I asked, hugging him. "Dad. I don't know what they're talking about but I hope they finish it soon," Chris said, kissing the top of my head.

Mom put the phone down, coming to hug me. "We need to talk," she said, pulling me into her room. "Your dad wants you to move to L.A. With him," mom said, sitting down. "He can't do that! I'm over 18!" I argued, getting angry. "He says that he's able to do that until you're 21," she said, looking like she's gonna cry.

"When do I have to go?" I asked, looking at the ground. "next week. He's flying up here to get you," she said, hugging me. "Sara! We need to talk!" I said, going out. Sara and I planned that she'll send my stuff to my Dad's place when she gets back.

I walked back to the living room to see Josh talking with Chris. "Karter, I wanted to tell you something that I've been dying to tell you," Josh said, getting up and hug me. "What?" I asked, feeling tears in my eyes. "I'm moving to L.A.!" Josh said, smiling. "Wait, what?!" I stepped back, thinking I misheard him. "Yeah! So what were you and your mom talking about?" Josh asked. "Umm, I have to move in with my dad because he wants to take custody and even threatened my mom," I said quietly.

Josh kissed the top of my head while he hugged me. "At least we'll be together while we're in L.A." Josh said, smiling. I agreed.

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