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After many late hours of studying and researching all he could, Stanford had finally got a hold of some vital information. Now what? He had to report it to the kids, of course.

Especially Dipper.

Ford took one last sip of his coffee before gathering some papers and exiting the lab. Once he got there, the whole family was at the breakfast table, calmly eating and chatting. Mabel was doing most of the chatting as always. Ford arrived at the table in the most formal manner possible.

"Dipper, can I have a word with you?" Dipper looked up from his bowl of cereal.

"Oh, and Mabel too." Ford said clearing his throat.

Dipper quickly ate what was remaining of his breakfast and turned to Mabel.

"Go on ahead if you want. I'm kinda busy today." She said taking bites out of the mini wheats. Dipper nodded and walked out to the porch where Grunkle Ford was waiting for him.

"And Mabel?" He questioned as Dipper arrived.

"Oh, she can't. I guess she needs to get something done."

"Alright then, make sure you discuss this with her too." He said and Dipper replied with an 'of course'.

"So what I wanted to talk to you about was something that can help us defeat Bill. For good."

Defeat Bill? For good? Dipper with relief and curiosity had asked, "What is it?"

"So I was using one of my special devices that track weirdness out of the random. It just seemed that it would be helpful for me in some way. I was stressed for a moment, when nothing was working. Until it started to beep while it was near the rift. I found that to be useless, since the rift was an obvious source. But then I used my other device, stronger than the other. But when it had been near the rift, it wasn't beeping at all. I thought that it was some sort of malfunction."

"Oh." Dipper said sadly.

"Wait. Then something miraculous happened. I was tired and stressed at the same time, so I was trying to think as hard as I could. It had finally came to me. I checked the device and there was no malfunction. The device was working perfectly. I wondered, why hadn't it beeped while near the rift." His words were almost enthusiastic.

Dipper pondered. "So, wouldn't it mean that there was something else.."

"That's right, Mason." Ford grinned, and Dipper's face light up.

"This means, that there is something stronger than the rift. But it doesn't do intense damage like it. It had a great amount of weirdness. But I don't think it's from this dimension."

The man searched through his papers and held one up. "I transmitted the device to my computer and pinpointed the exact coordinates to this type of weirdness, and it worked. I printed them out on this paper. It is in fact, from another dimension."

"And what does it have to do with defeating Bill?" Dipper asked. His head was filling with more curiosity.

"You see, the rift has a good amount of weirdness. Almost the exact amount of Bill himself. It seems inaccurate, since Bill seems way more powerful. However, this is the reason that Bill depends on it so much. He can't rip open his dimension into ours by himself. But, the anomaly I detected probably can, and Bill Cipher is planning to use it to get his hands on the rift. All we need is to find that anomaly, and use it to defeat him."

"Wow." Dipper was astonished. Stanford, was indeed, the most intelligent person he's ever met. Together, they can solve all of the town's problems. Possibly the world. That was the reason Dipper looked up to him so much. He had been incredibly intrigued when he first found one of Ford's journals. He had never been so obsessed in his life. For most of the summer, he worked hard to find the author. Now, he was standing here, discussing ideas with him!

As soon as Stanford had finished adding some small remarks, they both walked into the living room of the shack. The establishment was now filled with amazed and dumbfounded tourists.

"Meet me in my lab tomorrow in the morning. We can talk about plans later." Stanford said to Dipper, and secretly disappeared into his lab.

dimensional anomaly; gf&svtfoe (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now