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During the long walk back from school, Marco thought about his blonde and energetic best friend walking beside him. He was extremely grateful to have her. Star was always there to lighten his mood. In fact, she could lighten about anyone's mood if she wanted to. Her happiness seemed to be highly contagious around others, and that's why he liked her.

Maybe a little more than he was supposed to.

For a princess from another dimension, she was a skilled fighter. He couldn't bother to think what his life would be like without her. Without her protection, and beaming light... As he was deep in thought, he didn't notice Star giggling. He finally noticed her when she waved her hand in front of his face.

"Oh, Marco! Earth to Diaz!" She said in her usual bubbly tone.

Star was wondering why he would always stare off into space like that. Sure she did it too, but not as much as him. Definitely not as... weird.

"MARCO!" She yelled receiving a few strange looks but it finally snapped Marco out of his trance.

"Oh, sorry." He said with a hint of light pink playing on his cheeks. It had been the third time that he had zoned out, and the fourteen year old didn't know why.

"Marco, I don't want to walk anymore! Can't I just use my magic and teleport us over there?" Star whined. Marco just rolled his eyes at her complaining.

"Star, you have legs." After Marco made that comment Star groaned loudly.

She practically lived with her best friend, and a part of her wished he could quit being so boring at times, but the other part of her was glad that she had brought a little danger into his life. It was fascinating to see how the Earth dimension was like. The only thing that Earth and Mewni had in common, was the appearance of people. She was considered a female, but that didn't mean she was human.

After minutes, the two teenagers had arrived at the house. As Marco walked into the kitchen he discovered that laying on the floor, was a big pile of cooking flour. Star on the other hand, went straight to her room.

Need to clean this up before my parents get here, was all that Marco thought and grabbed a broom.

As Star came back, she saw Marco put away the big bag of flour and went to get it back out. Marco obviously noticed this and she turned to look at him. Star laughed nervously and shoved it back in the cupboard.

"That's what I thought." Marco said with his arms crossed.

Can you at least make nachos? I'm starving!" Star stated rubbing her stomach.

Marco was hungry too. He had skipped lunch to retake a test he got 90 percent on. That was him, always trying to get the perfect grades while Star was getting D's and C-'s. She used to have F's in almost every class, but with his help, she improved a little. Marco took out the triangular shaped tortilla chips while Star helped get the cheese and a pan. She gave the pan to Marco, then dumped in the cheese. Marco turned on the stove so the cheese had started to cook.

While it was warming up, they went to the couch flicking through the channels.

"I don't know why we never have a T.V on Mewni. It's so cool!" Star commented as Marco finally left in on a channel.

He got up from the couch. "I'm going to go check and see if the cheese is ready."

Star nodded, and focused her attention on the movie. It was in black and white and told the adventures of a cowboy and his small sidekick. Soon Marco came back with a big plate of nachos. The fourteen year old jumped with joy.

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