1~ Victor X Yuri - Just a Milkshake Guy.

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It was like any other day at the ice rink. Not really that busy, but enough so that you couldn't hear yourself think. At least, thats what I thought.

My name is Katsuki Yuri. 23 years old, and I work at an ice rink. I know it sounds cool, but trust me. It's honestly not...especially since I don't actually help out with the ice skating at all. In fact, I'm no where near associated with it.

I sell milkshakes at a stall inside the ice rink...yes, fun. I know. And the worst part is....I can't even drink the milkshakes ಠ_ಠ

So, today I got up, left my house I share with my parents, then headed to the rink. I got there on time, and started to do the daily milkshake-selling. Nothing much was happening, then again nothing much did.

The most exciting thing that's ever happened here was when this kid was skating in circles on the rink really quickly; then lost control and slammed into the metal rail used to hold onto if your not confident at skating. The annoying part was when his nose started to bleed and I was the one asked to clean it up
(ง T ∀ T )ง

Anyways, back to now where I'm staring into nothingness, waiting for a customer while happy families and couples prance and fall on the rink.

"Excuse me!!?" My head snapped towards a middle aged woman, her child held her hand- trying not to fall over since she still had her skates on.

"Hi. Can I help?" I tiredly aksed them, trying to keep in a yawn.

"Ugh yeah." The woman snapped with a slight attitude. "My daughter here was skating on the ice, for the 'children only' session- when this man comes onto the rink and starts doing all these frooty loopy spins and shazams."

I almost burst out laughing at her choice of words, but kept it down. "Oh. Well I just sell milkshakes I can't real-"

"Could you tell him to get off before he flies into one of the children, and seriously injures them." And with that, she stormed off looking over her shoulder a few times to check I was dealing with her request.
Sighing out of annoyance, I slowly stood up and made my way to the side of the rink. I was surprised to see a crowd had gathered- making it hard to see.

"Excuse me. Sorry, I need to get throu-" The path of people cleared and that's when it saw what the woman was talking about. A man, doing a bunch of frooty loopy spins and shazams.

Probably some old guy confused with the skating times. I mean his hair color is gr-

I almost chocked on my own thoughts as the supposed 'old man' jumped into the air, doing multiple spins then landing perfectly onto the ice. His arms here high in the air, a look of accomplishment on his focused face. I could now clearly see this man was not at all old. Late 20's at most.

It was outstanding. The way his hair moved as he flew through the air, his eyes glistening in the light. His cheeks pink from slight fatigue.

Who is this guy? I've never seen him at the rink before...he's amazing.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just stop this mans masterpiece halfway through and tell him to piss of!?

Deciding to leave him, I hastily hurried back to the milkshake stall where a small que had formed.

The rest of the day was unproductive. Yet, the mysterious skater remained on the ice all day until closing time.

Again. He was here again. I was slightly late for work today, but when I did arrive, he was here in all his fabulousness.

Trying to focus on my work, I walked over to the milkshake stall, keeping my eyes off the rink.

A few hours passed and before I knew it, it was closing time again. Standing up from the stall, I checked the time. 9:58.

Victor X Yuri {ONESHOTS} -Complete -Where stories live. Discover now