Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
As she pulled into my driveway, I ran out and upstairs to my room. My phone started ringing and I looked down to see it was Liam. I sighed and put it to my ear. "Hello?" "Babe, why'd you leave? I thought you said you were gonna stay." It was Harry and he sounded genuinely hurt. "Harry, I'm sorry, I just-I couldn't stay." "Why? Are you sick?" "No babe I'm fine. Go back to the game. You're needed out there." "The other team forfeited the game. They had their main players get hurt or were already sick. I'm coming over." "Well, I won't answer the door." "I'll come in anyway." I sighed. "Why do you care so much?" "I wanna know what's wrong because you don't break your promises." "Harry, babe everything's fine." "Why didn't you have your glasses on?" "Um-I uh-I gotta go." I said, voice cracking. "Wait, babe!!" I hung up before he could say anything. My phone was blowing up with texts but I never responded. It hadn't really struck me what had happened until now. Tears were coming from my eyes as I pulled the blanket around me. I heard a door shut and realized it must be my parents coming home from a night out. I looked out the window and saw it was Harry's car. I sighed and sat back on my bed. I knew I couldn't make him just leave. I heard my front door shut and footsteps up the stairs. "Penelope! Babe?" "I'm in my room." I said kinda loudly. My door opened and he ran over to me. "Why are you crying? What happened??" I shook my head and crawled into his lap, wrapping my arms around him. He soothed me sweetly and placed a kiss on my head. "Babe, tell me. I need to know so I can help." I sighed and held his hand. "Sarah." "Sarah? Davis?" I nodded. "Great. What'd she do?" "Um, well, she threatened me a bit...she had this guy hold my hands behind my back and push me to the ground. They stepped on my, I guess that's it. Oh, she slapped me." "Babe! Why didn't you tell me?! I could've handled it." "I don't want you to get in trouble for me." "I will though if it means you don't get bullied." I shook my head and kissed him lightly. "Haz, thanks but you don't need to." "Yes I do. What'd she say?" "That I need to break up with you..." "Why?" "Because she likes you. She has since 7th grade." "Oh yeah...I hate her. Always have..." "Yeah. She said that I need to break up with you and I said no so she slapped me. A lot." "Babe, I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault you're hot." I said smirking. He smiled cheekily and kissed my cheek. "We'll get this straightened out tomorrow. Okay?" "But baabe!" I whined. "What?" He asked laughing. "I don't want you to just-never mind." "What?" "Nothing..." "Tell me!!" I laughed and got up. "Nope." "Oh come on! Babe!!" He asked getting up and putting his arms around my waist. "Never in your wildest dreams." "C'mon!" He said tickling me. I laughed as I pried his hands off me. "I'll tell you but..." "But what?" "I don't know yet...oh! You have just owe me." "Alright! Now tell me!" "Well, I don't want you to just be like my guardian." "Why not?" "I don't know...well, I guess you can. I guess I'm just not used to someone protecting me like this." "Well, you're gonna get it from me because I care about you. I really like you, a lot, so you won't get hurt." I smiled and kissed him. I hugged him tightly and buried my face in his neck. I could feel him smile. I heard the door shut downstairs. "Penelope!!" "Shit...I'll be back." "I'm coming with you. I don't like it when they yell at you. At all." I smirked. "Of course you don't because you like protecting me." He smiled. "Of course." We walked downstairs into the family room. "What. Are. YOU. Doing. Here?!" "Dad, he was worried about me." "Why would he need to be? And where are your glasses?" "I uh, dropped them and they broke." "Great. Good job! Now we'll have to order more. I guess you'll have to wear contacts." I nodded. "Why would he need to check on you?" "I left the game early." "Well, why did you?" "I wasn't felling good." "Oh, well, Harry, I like that about you...hmmm." I smiled and looked at my mum who was smiling. "I guess you can stay for now, but next time tell us when he's coming over. Alright?" I nodded. "Of course." "And to verify, are you two dating?" I looked up Harry who was smiling. I nodded slowly. My dad stared at me for a moment. "Mr.Styles, you better not hurt her." "You don't have to worry about that sir."

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