Chapter 2

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School Day -

The next morning at school I made my way to the corridor outside the science block, the place that Jo and I always met. She was already there leaning against the wall and texting. I called out to her, "hey stranger" I shouted. She turned and smiled at me.

" What time do you call this?" She replied.

" Sorry I was late getting up because someone was talking to me last night till fucking midnight!"

" Oh yeah sorry about that" she said grinning. We both hugged and sat down with our backs against the wall. I stared ahead of me at the wall and I could feel her staring at me but I just kept looking in front of me.

" Are you going to talk to me this morning?" She asked still looking at me. I slowly turned my head to face her.

" What do you want to talk about?" It was a pointless question because I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.

"Well my best friend had this whole secret she hasn't told me about and I'm interested. I want to know more."

" There isn't much to say its not like I'm an alien from another planet and besides we talked for ages about it last night I'm sure that you know pretty much everything," I replied. She started to ask me questions and I answered best I could but sometimes Jo could come out with some random stuff so I almost let myself drift away while she babbled on about god knows what. The bell brought me into the real world and Jo and I headed for form which was where we had to go every morning to register. The rest of the day went by quite quickly and I spent most of it away from Jo because we weren't in many lessons together. By the end of the day I was rather tired and I headed for the school parking lot where I always met Jo so we would walk home together.

She showed up later than usual and apologized because she had had to talk to her teacher about an exam she was due to take in the next month. We walked home the usual way stopping at Jamba Juice for a drink and then heading on past the park to the street where we both lived.

Jo was very quiet all the way home and I wondered what was going on in her head I couldn't help but wonder if she was thinking about the secret I had let her into. I mean it was pretty big finding out your best friend is gay so I decided to leave it alone and let her think through whatever it was that was on her mind.

Throughout the evening I finished some homework and then logged onto Facebook but Jo wasn't online. Strange. She was always online, I decided to talk to my other friends instead I felt like I hadn't had chance to talk to them in ages but it was probably only a day or two.

Jo never came online throughout the evening which made me wonder what was going on but I left it alone. I was being silly.

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