i | "meat" the cannibals

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dedicated to WeAreAHurricane because she's a really good writer and I liked the name harvey in pretty bad things and I used it so I felt like I should give her credit

also the gif up there is of skins bc that's how I imagine the Cannibals to live like :))

i. "meat" the cannibals

The air of the storage closet was filled with smoke, and it would have been a wonder why the smoke alarm had not gone off, if the Cannibals didn't break it.

"Hey guys," Free said, blowing smoke from in between her teeth. "We should kill someone today."

The room went silent, until Free started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Shut up, Free," Calvin said, taking the lit joint from in between her fingers.

"Aren't we missing Government?" Oakley was the bookworm out of the entire group, and she was worried she was going to miss a quiz.

"Nah, I have Physics right now." Harvey leaned back and propped his legs up on the table. He couldn't give a shit about school. After all, his parents were just going to buy him into some top university anyway.

"Slacker," Free said, poking him in the stomach with her scuffed up sneaker.

He grabbed her foot quickly and yanked her off the box she was sitting on.

She squealed and hit the ground. She spat swear words at Harvey, while he just laughed.

"Dick," she muttered, standing up and brushing the back of her pants.

"Slut," he shot back, with a smirk.

She glared at him, and then groaned, letting the smile set in on her face. "I can't believe we're even friends."

"Me either," he said, standing up. "The lunch bell is gonna ring any second. I'm fucking hungry."

"Me too," Free said, opening the door and standing outside.

The smoke fumes wafted outside the doors as they all trooped through the door, with Harvey in front.

Harvey was considered the leader of the Cannibals, and even though he really didn't do anything, the students feared him. He had an erratic tendency to be violent, and never hesitated to get into a fight unless provoked. And everyone knew once you provoked Harvey, there was always bound for blood to be shed. Blood that wasn't his, at least.

Walking down the halls, the sea of students parted to make way for them. As usual, he heard Free snort from behind him, and he smirked. They treated them with some sort of veneration, often making them the talk of the school.

The cafeteria was separated into a loose set of cliques, and it was obvious which table seated who. It wasn't as rigidly divided as teen movies made it to be. But regardless of the established hierarchy of the cheerleaders and the jocks and everyone in between, the Cannibals were at the top of the food chain.

The lunch line wasn't as long as it usually was, so the group walked to their usual table, while Harvey and Free got on line.

"I heard there's gonna be a massive party at Ben Watkins' house tonight," Free said, nudging him.

"Fuck Watkins, let's go clubbing," Harvey suggested, taking two slices of pizza. He hated Ben since he thought just because he played football, his shit didn't stink.

"I like that idea much better," Free agreed, snatching a water bottle from the cooler.

As Harvey turned to pay, he didn't see a girl in front of him turn his way, and she slammed right into his frame.

Harvey felt something warm on his stomach. He looked down to see the cheese and sauce from the pizza slowly sliding down his shirt.

"What the fuck?" He muttered, picking the now soiled shirt off his skin. It was for sure going to leave a grease stain. How annoying.

"Oh my god," he heard the girl murmur shakily. "I'm so sorry!"

The cafeteria went silence as they noticed the occurrence by the cashier.

The girl grabbed a wad of napkins from the counter and started to dab at his shirt.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, irritation setting into his voice. It was nice of her to try and clean his shirt, but his stomach was rumbling in hunger. He really didn't have time for this.

"I'm just trying to clean your shirt," she said, finally looking up at him.

It was as if time slowed.

Harvey's eyes widened. The girl standing in front of him was in no way real.

Her dark brown hair was pulled up and away from her face into a neat puff, almost akin to a flower bouquet. Her brown doe eyes were framed with long eyelashes, and she blinked at him.

He knew he stared at her for only about three seconds, but it felt like three eternities.

"Uh, um, it's fine," Harvey managed to say. Taking a breath in, he regained his composure.

"Oh," she murmured, placing the napkins back on the counter.

Harvey smirked and thought of a plan. "Oh, well. I guess I can't walked around with a pizza stained shirt for the rest of the day."

The girl's eyebrow furrowed together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Harvey didn't respond, he simply tugged his shirt off and balled it up.

The girl wasn't expecting that, so her ears grew hot. Her eyes trailed downwards before settling on the v-line going downward until his pants were blocking it from sight. He caught her gaze and gave the girl one last grin before moving back to his table.

"So you're really just gonna walk around the rest of the day without a shirt?" Oakley said, her eyebrows raised.

Harvey shrugged and crammed half the slice into his mouth.

Free looked at him in disgust. "Harv, the food isn't going anywhere."

"Yeah, right," Oakley snorted, grabbing the second slice off his tray.

"Hey!" He said in a muffled tone, since there was food still in his mouth.

Oakley shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat. He swallowed and glared at her.

"If you were so damn hungry, why didn't you get your ass and pay for your own fucking slice?" Harvey never messes with his food, and he was angry.

"Because seeing you so riled up about food is fucking hilarious," she answered, tossing him a bag of chips to make up for the stolen goods. He smiled in gratitude and carried on eating.

"So who's that girl?" Calvin asked, staring at Harvey in curiosity.

Harvey shook his head. "I don't know."

"She's cute," Calvin said, nodding. "You gonna—"

Harvey already knew what he was going to say, and he rolled his eyes. Calvin the whore was wondering if he was going to call dibs or not. It was something they often did with each other when they interacted with girls.

"Whatever," Harvey muttered, shrugging his shoulders.

But it wasn't whatever. He didn't even want Calvin thinking about her. For the few moments he saw her, he couldn't forget her eyes and how sweet her face looked. The feel of her fingers on him.

"Hey, has anyone here seen Finn?" Free asked, raising an eyebrow.

Everyone shook their head, but they all knew Finn was up to something.

Finn is always up to something.

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