Christmas #1 Loki: Mewling Quim Traditions?

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Loki had come up with a spell that might help them remember. Once he had casted it Tony, Pietro, Rhodey, and Scott immediately ran out the door to get things for everyone.

Loki though, was having trouble trying to remember a certain someone wishes. (y/n), never asked for much during the year. Most the time it was food.  Loki sat there with a frown trying to think of the perfect gift.

"Hey, Antlers, what has you looking constipated?" Nat question from the ceiling.

"It's (y/n). She's never asked for anything so I don't know what to get her." He looked up to see Nat hanging from a ceiling fan, Bruce had fallen upside down on a ladder, and Wanda using her magic to get Thor up in the air to hang something.

"You could always lay your lips on her Brother." Thor's voice called to him.

Dumbfounded, Loki gasped at his oaf of a brother. "What?!" Loki has grown feelings for you, but he never told them to anyone. Wanda knew because of her blasted magic but she swore not to tell. Loki had always tried to keep it a hidden matter because he was a scared of rejection. Who would want him? A disowned price, an alien, a monster. No, (y/n) would never want to be with him. "Do not kid around Brother. (y/n) has no interest in me."

"Your kidding right Loki? (Y/n) is crazy about you. Head over heels in love." Bruce said from his spot on the ladder.

"Her head is already over her heels. Why would you say that?" Thor questioned from the air.

"It's an expression, Thor," Nat said as she got off the ceiling.

"What's an expression?" Thor continued in confusion.

"You know, like 'water under the bridge'," Wanda answered.

"What bridge?" Loki asked also getting confused.

"There's no bridge, it's part of an expression." Bruce sighed. He knew where this was going.

"Then why would you say 'water under a bridge'?" Loki asked again.

"It's an expression like you let something go. 'Its like water under a bridge.'" Nat said this time.

"What water?" Again, it was Thor's turn.

"Agh! Enough, it's a comparison! An example, it's an expression! If you don't understand it by now don't think about it!" Nat frustratedly said.

"Fine!" Both Thor as Loki said. Loki stormed off to the elevator. Pressing the button for the rooms he waited. What should I get (y/n)?

The doors opened to reveal the person he was thinking about.

"(y/n)! What was your favorite Christmas?" Wow, great job Loki. Just blurt out what you've been wondering. Real subtle.

"What?" You asked confused. Why did he want to know?

"Your favorite Christmas memory, I want to know about it." Loki tried again.

"Oh." You looked down. Embarrassment filled you. You didn't want Loki to know your favorite Christmas gift was the small brown stuffed bear in your room.

"What's wrong?"

Looking up you saw Loki starring intently at you. "Nothing, it's just my family didn't really celebrate Christmas growing up."

Loki pulled you into a hug and kissed you on top of your head.

"Get ready for Tony's party. I promise you'll have a great Christmas this year." He smiled down at you.

Your faces were so close all you wanted to do was kiss him. Before you could decide to or not he reluctantly pulled away.

Sighing you walked into your room again. You pulled on a red dress and slipped on a Santa hat. Adding some makeup you finished it off with a deep red lipstick. Smiling and spinning around you headed towards the lounge.

Avenger Images/One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora