Slay your demons

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There's silence.
The atmosphere's devoid of all sound. A hiss comes from my right,

"Miiiia...Mia.." A slither of sound pierces my ears, a sound I want wash off the air, a sound I want to devoid from the surroundings, draining it back into the dark hole it came from. A bloodlust takes over my body, captivating my soul. I open my eyes. My fist of iron will curls into a vicious ball around the tissues of my heart, willing me to seek revenge like no 20 years old girl should.

Noah uses a blade of light slicing through the dark ungodly figure.
I hear a scream, a high pitched shrill, an ungodly blasts into the air, it's the dark being of the night. Before it vanishes into the oblivion of night it get right close to my face, giving me a vicious smile, as if it knew a secret I didn't, as if it knew my end was coming.
"What do you want? Give me my mother back!!" A scream that ripples out of my lungs as helplessness crashes into me, stealing my breath for a few minutes, until I see that I'm not alone, he's with me still.
"Mia, it will be okay. We'll get her back, but they can't get you..otherwise all hope would be lost"  a serious tone, a somber look and an an aged old look in his eyes has spread. He still looks around 24 yet he looks wise beyond his age, which makes me wonder what he's seen, what he's done, or how many he's killed..

I'm supposed to be 'hope'?

'Hope' is a small powerful powerless word, where it makes Noah more powerful, but me more powerless than ever. The power of losing hope a far greater burden than my slight, narrow shoulders can bare, for my slim slender hands to handle.

What if I never get my mother back? What if something happens to her? These vicious thoughts tear me from inside, eating away any slither of 'hope'.  My shoulders slump as I think of all that I could of said to her, before..

I don't know how, but the devastated look on my face or his 'ability to read me' leads me into
Noah's warm embrace, as he gently strokes my back I start to gain hope.  He promised he'll help me get my mother back and I have to believe him on that..what other option do I have?

As resignation sets in and adrenaline rushes out, my body slumps further into his body..he's so warm, he's so safe..he feels like home. My body slumps down more, sleep heavily weighing me down. Yet I can't sleep yet..I need to find my mother

"You can't help her if your tired, anyways you need morning light on your side if you want to help her.. It's your best chance against the Dreau's' he whispers in my eyes, as if it were a lullaby meant to lure me to sleep.

"Ok" I whisper not knowing what else to say, he was right of course, I was no match for those evil form of darkness- the Dreau's. Morning light was my only salvation, my mothers last rays of hope. I need to rest if I want to wake at the crack of dawn. He must have assessed my willingness to sleep, because as soon as I come to this decision, he leads me upstairs.

The thumping of our feet beneath. Thump. Thump. Thump, as if I we're a bear heading towards hibernation, with my sleep driven feet I drag myself upstairs and into bed. My head touches the pillow. The lights turn off.

"I'll protect you at all cost, Mia..I promise" I feel a soft whisper near my ear, tenderness that I've near felt before from any man. I feel softness upon my forehead, a tenderness, a harsh contrast to his granite nature, helping me to turn off my mind, and hand myself over to sleep with more ease as I fall asleep with his arm cradled against my chest, my personal saviour.

She's screaming, calling out my name.
"Miaaaaaa" the torture evident in her agonising filled scream, tears roll down my cheek, a sense of hopelessness imbeds itself within me as I frantically search the four closing walls of darkness, each corner is filled with her crippled body, only enough air in her lungs to scream my name, with her lasting breath.

I can't move, immobilised by an imaginary force, all I can do is close my ears against the shrill,  tinkles of laughter and the burning, agonising cries of my mother, until silence descends once more.

I think I've escaped the clutches of the darkness until the walls start to come in closer..more  Closer. It's oppressive. It's dark. It's the evil. It's the Draus.

"Miaaaaa" they hiss. Their breathing on me heavily, oppressively...with darkness.

I'm screaming awake.
Sweat's dripping down the pinnacles of my face, drowning me in a knowledge that's  both soothing and frightening.
It was only a dream.
It was more than a dream.
It was a nightmare of sub-reality, a part my soul in the darknesses region. A living dream of horror. I breath but barely.
Someone's calling out my name....

Compelled (Darkness series #1) {Supernatural Romance} {PAUSED}Where stories live. Discover now