About three years ago when I was still in private school and I was bullied constantly. It started out with the jokes that I wasn't from america, then some cruel kids started laughing at me for not having a dad and then they started to beat me up for having a boyfriend. The torment happened every day before and after school and between classes. I would run home just to escape my tormentors. One day I was at the park with my boyfriend and a group of boys from our school showed up. Instead of beating me up like they normally would they took us to the woods and beat the hell out of my boyfriend. I remember his cries for help and all the blood on the ground. I remember screaming for them to stop and beat me up instead, but they just ignored me and continued to hurt him. I wasn't strong enough to fight for him I was too weak. He had stopped fighting back by the time they finished. He got beat to a pulp and all I got was a knee to the gut and a threat. When they left I pulled him out of the woods and called for help. A woman that was at the park with her children heard me and called an ambulance. The ride to the hospital was terrifying. I didn't know if he was going to make it or not. I was convinced that if he died it would be my fault. If he wasn't with me the foreign kid with no dad he would be safe from the bullies. He lived, but his memory was gone. When he woke up he had no idea who I was. He remembered everyone except for me and how he ended up in the hospital. For months I would come to his house and try to restore his memory, but nothing worked, he had no clue who I was. The last time I spoke to him he told me that he didn't want me coming by his house anymore because I was freaking him out. A few weeks later his family moved so he could have a fresh start. I never saw or heard from him again. It was like he never existed. Everyone at school acted like he never even went to school with us. Even the teachers didn't seem to really notice he was gone. I wonder if her ever got his memory back or if he still has no idea how he got put in the hospital freshman year. If he does remember I hope that he doesn't blame me because I blame myself enough for both of us already.

"Alex honey come downstairs!" my mom called.

"Coming!" I called back.

  I jumped up from the bed and made my way downstairs. Standing at the foot of the stairs was Jack and he was breathtaking. His hair was spiked and he had a smirk that could kill. Standing beside him was my mother who was taking photos with her new camera she bought just for this. I made my way down the stairs and walked into his open arms. I buried my face in his chest, inhaling the scent of vanilla and peppermint. I live his unique scent you would never think those two would make a good combination, but they do. My mom had us pose in different parts of those house for pictures until the doorbell rang. She set down the camera and quickly ran to open the door. Jack and I walked into the hall to see Alice and Andrew standing at the door. Alice looked like a princess straight out of a disney movie. Her hair was in a half up style her bangs were curled and framed her face, complimenting the makeup she probably spent hours putting on. A simple yet elegant blue flower corsage was wrapped around her wrist. Andrew was standing beside her with his arm wrapped around her waist and a huge smile on his lips. His long blonde hair looked how it normally did just it looked clean for once. He was wearing a simple black suit with a blue flower that matched Alice's pinned to his breast pocket. He looked very dashing and you would never guess he's the boy that "accidently" set a fire in the science lab.

"You two look so adorable," my mom gushed, ushering them into the livingroom.

"Thank you Mrs. G. You did a fine job on those two gentlemen," Alice said, motioning towards Jack and I.

"It wasn't too hard they actually did pretty well and there was no fuss about getting their hair done," my mom said with a big smile.

  Alice laughed and walked towards us, pulling us into a bone crushing hug. For a small girl she has a lot of strength. That's one of the many reasons she's one of the coolest friends I have. After my mom took abour a hundred more pictures, we all got into Andrew's car and set off for prom.

Let's skip that and fall in love (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now