Chapter Eight

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Normal POV

  The heart monitor shut off and tears were falling. The people who cared for Alex more than anything were left to mourn him. The doctors left the room to give them time alone with Alex before they move his body. Mrs. Gaskarth was a mess, her eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. She lost her husband and now her son was gone. She was alone and it was very clear to her now. Her support, her only reason, her son was gone and there was no chance in him ever coming back. She lost both the people she cared for the most and now she was left to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart.

  Alice was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall for support. Her whole face was red. Tears and snot covered her face as she sobbed. The boy that was there when she thought her best friend wasn't going to come back. The boy that helped her though so many things while Jack was in the hospital, was gone. Of course she still had Jack, but it would never be the same. Even though Alex didn't grow up with them he was a huge part of their lives. He was the glue that kept them together. He brought out the best in all of them. Without him they probably wouldn't have become friends with Rian, Zack, or Andrew. Without him they would still be the two kids that sat together and watched the world pass by in slow motion.

  Jack fell to his knees once the doctor unplugged the life support. He fell apart when the final beep from the heart monitor came to a stop. He broke down. He loved Alex with all his heart and now he was gone. He felt lost he felt like he had nothing. Alex was everything to him. Alex was his rock. Alex was the one that made him feel again. It was Alex that talked to him when he felt like breaking down. It was Alex who came up with the idea of him leaving home and living with Alice. Alex saved him. Alice may have been the one to hold him together for so many years, but Alex was the glue that kept him together. He was the missing piece to the puzzle. The boy he stayed up all night with and just talked to was dead. He wasn't going to see that stupid grin or hear those smart ass comments again. Alex was gone and he felt guilty for not being able to protect him. He felt guilty for not going with him that night. He felt horrible. He couldn't stand that the people that did this to him were walking the streets. He couldn't stand the fact that the people that beat his everything to death could live another day without justice for their actions. It made him sick.

  Jack pulled himself up and took off out the door, ignoring Alice's calls. He ran past the doctors and nurses. He got in the elevator and waited for the doors to open and reveal the lobby. Once the doors were open he took off running again. He ran out the door and to his car. He pulled out of the hospital and started driving. His heart was pounded and his mind was racing. His knuckles were white from how tightly he was holding the steering wheel. He parked his car outside Alice's house and took off running down the street. He stopped at the shortcut he and Alex had taken so many times. He walked through the pathway of an old woman's yard and made his way onto the street where a group of boys were. They were goofing off and laughing. Jack stared at them, knowing that one or all of them knew what happened. The boy he assumed was the leader stopped laughing and looked at him. Jack clenched his fists and waited for one of them to speak. When none of them did he took a step forward.

"Does the name Alex Gaskarth sound familiar to any of you?" he growled.

"Oh you mean Gaykarth?" One of the boys asked while laughing.

"We took care of that faggot a few months back he was smart enough to never show his face on our street again." Their leader said with a crooked grin.

  Jack marched towards him, fists clenched and connected his fist to the boys face, knocking him to the ground. The boy looked up at Jack confused by his sudden outburst.

"You must be gayskarths boyfriend huh?" He asked with a smirk. "He too scared to fight his own battles?"

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Jack screamed, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him off the ground.

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