Ode to My Demolition Lover

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2016, All Rights Reserved


The first of our many letters as the demolition lovers grinding through, day to day, in only cubicles of ourselves. Life is just skylines and turnstiles, and in it I've only learned three things so far. I've learned that honey, this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us, vampires will never hurt you, and that I've been given drowning lessons whilst expecting to learn to swim. I was sent to our lady of sorrows from an early age where I was expected to conform and dive headfirst for halos...I hated it there. Then I met you and we ran away to watch early sunsets over monroeville and I remember thinking each time, "this is the best day ever." Don't worry, another letter will come after I put my sister to sleep.
P.s. Did I ever tell you that all I want for Christmas is you?


Let me tell you a story: I always had stage fright but Helena told me to "Give'em hell, kid" so I did right to the end...but the use of fire in my performance cause many deaths and now I'm afraid I'm going to jail and you know what they do to guys like us in prison. To be honest with you I'm not okay...I promise. I feel like the ghost of you will always haunt me as I count down the days of my sentence. I should have listened when you said "the jetset life is gonna kill you." There is much more to come in this story as this is only a interlude but for now I'd like to thank you for the venom. Once I get out I plan to return the favor to those who blamed me for the tragedy and hang 'em high, if you know what I mean. Just a piece of advice before I go, stop wearing your memes literally on your sleeve- it's not a fashion statement, it's a fucking death wish. If you'd ever like to visit I am located on Cemetary Drive. Please come! I never told you what I do for a living...wouldn't you like to know?
P.S. You remind me of a desert song


I've been feeling under pressure to write you letters lately. When I sleep I have dreams of you saying "I don't love you." Heaven help us for all the drugs we've been doing in the house of wolves...we're just teenagers and we live the sharpest lives but someday we'll wind up dead and it'll be the end. I keep thinking this is how I disappear...my hallucinations have been telling me, "kill all your friends" but I don't listen. Life has become so disenchanted and all I see is blood... my mama has cancer and the black parade is dead. I'll die someday too and I want you to bury me in black. Even though I feel death on my door I know my way home is through you but you won't always be there. If you must know, my famous last words will be "welcome to the black parade."


You know, sometimes I feel like I'm on desolation row and even though it may seem like I have a bulletproof heart, the only hope for me is you. So look alive, sunshine. The kids from yesterday that we met in the mastas of ravenkroft are from the black dragon fighting society so just go! They won't come again until summertime. Save yourself, I'll hold them back until then. There's a house in New Jersey under ownership of destroya. At the gate you enter in S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W to get in. Once inside you'll need to find a safe, then enter the code F.T.W.W.W. you must be wondering what's inside. You'll find vampire money and party poison but we are only in need of the latter. Next you will stay and listen to the jet-star and the library kid/ traffic report until you get a clue as to what to do next. If you don't follow these directions closely you'll have a zero percent chance of survival. When all of this is over I want you to sing again, like NA NA NA, you know what I mean? The way it used to be... and this time I want you to write a song for me because we don't need another song about California. The title could be "Goodnight, Dr. Death." Until next time~
P.S. Remember we are not common people...every snowflake is different.


There was a gun and the ambulance came but all I could think about was that the light behind your eyes does burn bright. I kiss the ring you gave me and I'm reminded that the world is ugly and all people think of is tomorrow's money. Maybe I'm the only one not in the boys division though they've tried to make room. You're the reason I don't belong there. In the beginning you planned to fake your death to escape all of this but you actually did surrender the night...and left me behind. I know you're not that kind of girl, you're an angel. I went back to the house of wolves and hallucinated that all the angels wanted you with them for a party at the end of the world. I don't know who I'm writing to anymore. The five of us are dying and there will be no one left to read these. Rest In Peace....Emily.

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