"No, my liege, she used mind control on me. But I do remember her saying something about you. She said that she didn't want to hurt us but that she had to see you." he said thinking back

"Then we have to go to my quarters if we are to track them down." I said starting to go back up the stairs in a hurry with the Captain following close behind me.

"Wait your majesty," the captain said trying to catch up to my super speed. I slowed down to wait "I have to tell you something" he said catching his breath

"Then spit it out. We have to find them" I said in a hurry

"She could resist my time freezing chant" he said when he got his breath back

"What? Nobody was ever able to resist that. It even took me a week to learn how" I said in shock. Being able to freeze time takes a lot of energy and it could only be done for a very short time. But the Captain has perfected the power.

"That's not all sir!" He said as I turned around

"What else?" I asked getting frustrated. I want to see who could be so powerful that she could control the mind of one of my best soldiers after resisting his time freezing chant. I haven't had a good battle in such a long time, and the Zevron in me was begging for it

"She was an elemental, thus a physical, and could also use mind control. She has physical and mental powers." he blurted out.

"What? That's not possible." I said shocked. Even if a physical and an elemental had a child the child would either die from the amount of power or it would be born with just one parents' gifts.

"I saw it with my very eyes, my liege, she is something unknown to us." he continued but I was already gone. On my way to my room.

I opened my door just in time to see a girl walk through the secret entrance in my room. Without even thinking I used my power to manipulate and control energy particles on her sending her to her knees with a scream.

Rey's P.O.V

The tunnel was long, dark and steep. It seemed to get smaller as we went and Zanne had decided she was claustrophobic all of a sudden.

"Are we there yet? I feel like I can't breath. We're going to die in here" Zanne said while pushing past us to get in front.

"Zanne, we're not going to die. We'll be there soon. It can't be much further now." I said trying to calm her down. It wasn't having the desired effect.

"No. I have to get out of here now!" Zanne said before starting to run forward.

"Zanne wait!" I called out but she didn't listen. I gave a sigh, we fought a troll and she wasn't scared but put her in a tunnel and she runs for her life.

"Go get her. You're the one with the super speed!" I told Xander causing him to go running. The small space was making it hard for him to use his super speed but he was still faster than me. I started on a jog. They won't open the door without me there so I was pretty sure that they would be okay, besides it was a long day and I was tired. The little sleep I had while unconscious didn't help much and the shenanigans of my sister and her new husband kept me awake most of the previous night.

I looked forward and started running faster at the scene I saw. The door was opened! Then I heard it. A scream. But not just any scream. It was the pain filled scream of my sister. I felt rage at someone hurting my sister and turned that rage into energy.

I ran as fast as I could. I saw Xander going in through the door and bending by my sister to see if she was okay.

I was finally there. I saw a guy with his hand closed in my sisters direction and a confused expression on his face when he looked towards Xander.

I lifted my hands and with a scream I felt the energy leave me in a fire ball towards the guy sending him flying through the air. He landed against the brick wall causing it to crack. With a groan he lifted himself up but I wasn't about to give him the chance to attack. I summoned water and wind. I threw the water in his direction causing him to stumble backwards before blowing him with water as cold as I could, making him freeze into a block of ice.

I wanted to turn and see if my sister was al right but before I could move the ice capturing the guy scattered. I barely saw him as he moved towards me in an incredible speed. Before I knew it he was behind me capturing me in a death grip around my neck. Suddenly I began to go up in the air. I tried to struggle against him but his power was too strong. I tried not to scream as I was suddenly thrown towards the ground. I closed my eyes as I fell. I hit the surface, getting the wind knocked out of me. I could've been dead.

I opened my eyes to see that I landed on a bed. I looked towards the guy still in the air and my breath caught in my throat. King Ryan. He was breathtaking. His big white wings, surrounding his magnificent body contrasting with his pitch black hair. His hair hanging in a face sculpted by gods, literally took my breath away. Either that or I was still breathless from the fall. Before I could even blink he was already in front, or actually on top, of me.

His body so close to mine made me tremble slightly and the look in his beautiful blue eyes made me want to melt in his arms. He bent closer to me. His mouth was next to my ear, his breath causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.

"You should be glad we're soul mates or that would've hurt a lot more than it did sweetheart." he whispered. The sound of his musical voice snapped me back to reality.

What the hell was that? It has to be some kind of power. I've never felt so vulnerable as I did at that moment. The feelings he awoke in me, magic or not, scared me. How could I be so weak? I pressed my hands on his chest and before I could give in to my desire I called to the wind pushing him off of me.

He looked amused and proud as he looked at me getting up. Somehow I didn't feel that he was a threat any more. I couldn't look him in the eyes as I tried to press the wrinkles out of my blouse . Then it hit me. Zanne! I turned around to see her and Xander looking at us curiously. I felt myself blush.

"Are you okay?" I asked Zanne trying to hide my red cheeks with my hair.

"Yeah, don't worry about me" she said with a wink. Letting me know that she heard exactly what I thought about earlier.

"You're right there, she should be worrying about all of you." King Ryan said catching my attention once again "Xander, can I ask you what you are doing breaking into my castle?" Ryan asked Xander firmly.

"Uhm, it's a long story" Xander started to reply with his hand in his hair but was cut off when a horde of guards burst into the room.

Before they could try to capture us, Ryan held up his hand, telling them to stop. They looked confused but obeyed.

"I need a word with the prisoners, you are dismissed." he said to the guy I battled before entering the secret passageway. I looked towards the passageway only to find an extremely innocent looking Zanne standing in front of the closed door. Good thinking.

"But sir, they are dangerous. Are you sure that it is wise to be alone with them?" the guard answered hesitantly.

Ryan gave me a sidelong glance with a small smirk "I think I can handle them." he replied before facing the guard once again "Thank you for your help captain, but I'll take it from here."

Captain? I guess it's obvious with his power level. For the first time I sensed for Ryans power level and my blood froze. It was 10 times the size of my own. It was huge, which meant that he was just playing with me and my sister. He could've killed us both instantly. I watched the captain nod before leaving the room followed by the other guards. I turned towards Ryan with a big gulp. Let's just hope that that angelic blue eyes of his wasn't hiding a demon.

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