Chapter 11: Happy Holidays

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     "Okay guys, get ready." I said. We finally made it to that neighborhood where every single house had Christmas lights on them. And there's always a bunch of people walking up and down the streets, so it's easy to lose someone you're with. "You all know where you're meeting your parents?" I asked. They all nodded. "Okay, let's go." I opened the sliding door of the van. "It's highly unlikely they'll follow the van if they see me leave, so I'll meet you at home mom."

     "Wait-!" My mom began. But my friends and I were out the door. I didn't need another lecture of how I'll get myself killed. Rachel walked to the right deeper into the neighborhood, Caitlin and Michelle to the left and eventually the two split up. I crossed the street in front of the car that was following us, so that whoever was inside could clearly see that I left the van. And sure enough, as my mom drove off, the car followed me. I kept walking for at least 20 minutes until I decided to go to my middle school, if I went behind the gym, no one would see me. I stood behind the gym and after 5 minutes I heard footsteps headed towards me. I took a deep breath and looked to see who it was that was following us. My eyes widened. "Mike? What are you doing here?" He just glared at me. I lifted my arms into the air. "Say somethin' please?"

     "I'm assuming you got my message." He said. I nodded.

     "Yea, but why are you here? Are you gonna kill me a little earlier than planned?" I asked sarcastically. No answer. I sighed. We just stared at each other for a while. Something in my gut told me to not attack him no matter how badly I really wanted to.

     "If i'm being honest, I really want to beat you up right now." He finally spoke again. I expected him to start attacking me any moment. But he was, to me, acting weirdly. He chuckled a little. "I'm actually starting to regret planning that whole fight with you." My eyes widened again. I was almost sure he was being mind controlled or some shit. "I only have one real reason for hating you, and that's the fact that you killed my friend." A part of me wanted to talk back, but letting him continue seemed to be the best option currently. He sighed. "I don't know."

      "Then call the fight of." I spoke quietly. "Listen if you still want to fight me then alright I'm all for it. But if you don't wanna fight me then i'm all for that too." He stayed quiet. I hoped that he would accept this, I guess, alliance. I started to realize that I had no real reason to fight him. But he did. I killed his friend. I wouldn't blame him if he still wanted me to be dead. I took a step closer to him but he started to walk away from me. "Damn." I mumbled. I guess I'd be seeing him soon.

     It was Friday and my friends asked me how things went. I didn't tell them anything. I told them i'd tell them later since I was so damn tired. Later ended up turning into when I got home. When I went home my entire body felt weak. I was so damn tired I thought I would pass out. I flopped onto the couch and let out a long sigh. I was stressing out because of Mike. Tomorrow was going to be the day of a big battle. But how could I win with this thing in my arm? I guess I'll have to ignore it. Or at least try to. That night my phone, before I fell asleep, went off. It was my friends.

R: Hello

M: Hiya!

C: Hi

S: Damn it I almost fell asleep...

R: lol sorry

M: Sophia, have you slept at all since boomers?

S: Nope. Maybe 3 hours that's it.

C: I thought you liked sleep?

S: Hell yea I do, but I've been thinking.

M: Of?

S: How the hell do I beat Mike if my arm gets shocked every 5 seconds?

M: Just believe in yourself!

R: You've survived a stab in the stomach AND FUCKING CHEST!!

S: I know.

C: She lost her memories though.

M: We believe in chu!

S: Oh yea, What happened last night.



S: It was Mike.

     There was a long while where no one answered. I knew they were all shocked. They probably expected Mike to kill me then. Even I still wondered why he didn't if he still had the desire to do so.

R: W A T

S: Mike and I talked for a bit. He was talking about how he realized he didn't have much of a reason to kill me. I don't have a reason to kill him either.

C: So you nearly made an alliance?

S: Yup

C: What made him change his mind?

S: He remembered I killed his friend

R: So he gonna choose revenge over an alliance?

M: The fight is still on...

S: Yea. I was really hoping that he would agree and wed be hopefully friends


     I started to laugh like crazy. Full on tears of laughter.


S: That is the best movie ever and no one can tell me otherwise

R: Agreed

S: Anyways, please don't come to the fight tomorrow. I can't promise that there will even be a Golden Gate Bridge to walk across by tomorrow.

C: Excuse me but we were planning on coming

S: Excuse me but I was planning on ditching yall


M: But we planned on coming Sophia!

S: Too bad, your not coming. And even if you do you're gonna stay far away from the fight. Okay?

     They didn't answer for a while once again. I probably made them upset. They probably wanted to help but if i'm being honest, what are they going to do? Three normal humans in the middle of a fight between us ability users, they'd be killed.

R: Fine...

C: Yea

R: Good luck kid

S: Thanks. The fight will likely be put on the news so maybe gather at one of your homes and you all could watch it

R: We can meet at my place.

C: K

S: Relax Michelle, I'll live

M: I didnt say anything

S: Since you're such a mom I know you're probably the most worried.

M: Were all moms to you

S: True

R: Just casually agrees lol

C: Good luck Sophia

R: Yea, good luck tomorrow

M: Be safe

S: I'm not planning on dying

     And with that I left the chat room. For a while I didn't sleep, so I undid the bandages on my arm and looked at the metal piece. I dragged my fingers gently up and down the rims that met my skin. I decided to test my pain tolerance. I spawned a little flame over my right pointer finger. After 5 seconds it shocked me. "Shit!" I said. My arm started shaking from the pain. After another 5 seconds the pain was almost gone, but ended up being replaced by an even more painful shock than before. I gripped my wrist tightly and almost cried out in pain again. I got rid of the flame and put the bandages back on. As I tried to fall asleep my arm was shaking, which kept reminding me of how shitty the battle would be tomorrow.

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