Chapter 5: Sophia vs. Mike and Cassie

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     When the sound stopped there was smoke everywhere on the blacktop ahead of me. Once it disappeared I saw Mike.... And Cassie. Well shit. My four friends tried to run over to me but I motioned for them to stop and stay where they were. Mike and I made eye contact with each other. "I'm not in the mood. Come beat me up in another 12 hours please."

     "Sorry, but this time we have a reason to be here." Mike said.

     "And what's that?" I ask him in a monotone voice.

     "We just wanna show your friends here somethin'." Mike walked towards me.

     "Does it have to do with that negative side shit you told my friends?" I point at the girls. "What did you even do to them?"

     "Oh, nothing." Mike answered.

     "You lying shit." I yelled at him.

     "No! It's the truth!" Mike repeated. "Listen, just let us show your friends here something, then we'll get out of your hair." There was a long unwanted silence.

     "Well that depends." I sighed. "What do you want to show us?" Almost instantly after I finished speaking Mike attacked me using his abilities.

     "Whoa!" I say while dodging his attack. "Well damn! I guess we're starting!" I started up towards him and was about to attack him. But Cassie blocked me from hitting him when she formed an ice wall between us. "What the-!" I say while jumping back. My right hand knuckles were now bleeding from the impact my fist had with the hard ice wall. "Ice!? And water!? Versus FIRE?! That's not fair man! You're cheating!" I yell. Cassie takes down the wall and asks Mike if he's okay. He nodded.

     "Life is full of disappointments, isn't it Sophia?" Cassie spoke. The two of us stared at each other. It was weird seeing Cassie so serious about something for once. I surround my body in flames and keep trying to attack either one of them. This was a first, I had never before faced two people at one time before. Cassie managed to cut my cheek, but that didn't matter to me whatsoever. My main focus right now was Mike. But after fighting them both for a while I realized. How is Cassie so good with her abilities? I don't think its even been a week since she's had them. Getting lost in my thoughts gave Mike the chance to punch me in the stomach. My back met the ground but I quickly got back up. I tried to shoot fire at Mike's shoulder but the surface of his shoulder literally turned into fucking water.  Which stopped the attack from hitting him as hard. It was like his whole body had a shield on it. "BOY WHAT!?" I screamed.

     "What makes up 70% of the human body!?" He yells.

     "GOD! You piss me off." Cassie tried to attack me by stabbing me but thankfully I dodged. My friends were worried about me but I could hear them cheering me on like we were at a soccer game.

     "Come on Sophia you can do it!" I heard Rachel yell.

     "I'm trying! I'm trying!" I yelled back to her. For a moment Mike and Cassie just stared at each other. "Whatever your going to show us, hurry up and show us." I told them. Cassie sighed.

     "You're gonna regret saying that." She said.

     It was probably half an hour before all three of us were tired. "God..." I spoke between breaths. "You two... Are really persistent huh?" My left arm hurt so much, it felt like it was about to fall off.

     "You... You too..." Cassie said. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. No way to say this nicely. I punched her square in the jaw. Then when she was on her knees I grabbed her by her hair and kneed her in the face. That's when Mike got pissed. I was sort of confused. The two just met, do they care about each other this much already? He tried to push me away from Cassie but missed. I jumped back towards my friends and sighed. "Sophia!" Michelle said. I could hear my friends footsteps growing louder as they started towards me. I held up my hand to motion for them to stay where they were.

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