Unfortunately he should have known Cress would see it a very different way than most girls.

She sucked in a breath. "We-we're friends? Really?" She sounded so eager his heart hurt just a little bit.


She shifted in bed a bit and he felt himself really craving a pillow.

"So, since we're friends, and we seem to have forgiven each other now, could I use one of your pillows? Pllleeeeaaasssse?" She burst out laughing and he felt a surge of pride. He'd made her laugh.

"Sure, Thorne." The pillow hit him in the face, slamming the back of his neck into the metal paneling of the window seal. He let out a loud groan.

This girl could be so violent sometimes!

"OH STARS are you okay? You aren't bleeding are you? Oh dear, oh dear, maybe Scarlet's still awake she could get me some ice, or a cloth, I am so, so sorry..." He forced out a grin.

"Naw, it's alright. I just didn't know you were still so mad at me."

"Actually, I'm not that upset any more. I had some time to think, and I understand why you were worried. It means you were looking out for me, and I realized I was getting after you for trying to be my friend. I still can't believe I hit you, it's not something I would normally do." He was speechless, and she let out a nervous puff of air. "Look, my point is, I should be the one saying sorry, and thank you for wanting to protect me."

Thorne was in big, big trouble. This girl was going to be the death of him.


She was hugging the sheets to her aching stomach, watching his outline closely. He hadn't said a word in response to her apology, and for some bizarre reason she was scared. Scared that he would see how much she wanted him to forgive her. How much she wanted him to say they were friends again.

That had left her reeling. They weren't just acquaintances any more, they were friends! It probably wasn't normal for someone to count how many they had, but her list was adding up, and Thorne had secretly been her wish for a while now. But a deep nagging feeling whispered to her that he was much, much more.

Cress had blocked all of those insane ideas when he'd yelled at her. She'd told herself she was stupid and moved on. But now, something was different. And so she was scared that he was feeling it too.

When he didn't respond, she closed her eyes tight and turned over in the bed, easing herself back into the corner of her head where the nightmares lay waiting.

Seconds before her parent's faces emerged from the shadows, Cress felt her body rolling towards the center of the bed.

Her eyes flew open and she sat up, only to find Thorne sitting in bed with her.

"What are you doing?!?" She gasped for breath, clutching her palm to her chest. He frowned a little bit, scratching his neck. He almost looked timid.

"I've heard you screaming when you sleep, Cress. I know how bad it is. I thought maybe if you had someone nearby...I dunno, maybe it would help. I can't be losing beauty sleep, now can I?" He was teasing, she realized. A small smile flit across her cheeks.

"Oh, you definitely could afford some more beauty sleep." It took him a second to realize she'd insulted him.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, crossing his arms indignantly. His lower lip stuck out in a pout, and through her laughter Cress felt her throat go a little dry. Even when he acted like a child, he was handsome.

"But since we're friends, and you want to help, I guess it couldn't hurt to try." The words flew out before she could think, and blood rushed to her already scarlet face.

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