Ex and heartbreak

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"WHAT are you!?" I ask, even as I fear I know the answer, but begging to be wrong.

"You know what we are." He breathes down my neck, a sensation of blasting cold sweeps through me, raking my body with shivers.

"You- you're" I'm afraid to say it out loud for fear it will come true.

"It can't be...."

"Yessss, it can. Have you never felt shivers down your neck when you're all alone in the dark, never felt as if someone was looking over you're shoulder, or breathing down your neck, a cold sensation suddenly passing through you're body and fear settling in you're bones, a fear that you're not alone?" He hisses this and seeps a bit of my life out of me.

"Wait." Someone else's voice echoes in the great hollow cave. "We need her for just a little while longer, he's going to be coming here soon" a form neither completely dark or completely developed begins to get closer.

"Wh-WHY?!" I beg to know as weakness seeps in my bones, as the creatures envelope my form. I want to know this one thing before I succumb to unconsciousness: why are they doing this to me and what's do they want with me, I get my answer.

"REVENGE" it says with a gleam in its eyes that suddenly turns pit black surrounded by its floating form"

Chapter one

I'm in my bare breaking biology class, okay maybe it's not that bad, but having Mr Sernm is honestly something to cry about. How I've been in his class for two years now without crying like the numerous girls already, is quite a surprise to me. 

I really badly want to sleep considering I only got 4 hours of sleep due to his stupid report, but I don't dare...I'm just going to lay my head down for 2 second...

A dark shadow approaches, the thumping of my heart increases, it's here, or more like he's here, the sinister look on his face is not real, he's a figment of my imagination. I tell myself, Mia it's only a hallucination, it has to be. He's getting closer and closer...and closer. He's breathing on me, heavy, dark,...intoxicating.

I blink. He's gone. I'm in my biology class with Celina trying to get my attention, 'Huh? Yeh I'm awake!!'
'Miss Thorpe, seeing as your 'awake' I hope you can answer my question?"
48 pairs of eyes, 24 looks and 1 question. I'm screwed. "'U'mm.."
I look down and see Celina having written "Cell membrane". I own her a big one.

You see Celina's the best, brightest student there is, she's my best friend and I love her despite wanting to strangle her at times, and at times I want to give her a tight hug, like now.Celine's everything I'm not, supermodel slim in comparison to my plain slim and she's got the angelic silky blond hair, whereas mine is a flat, boring brown, the only thing I love about myself is my sea green eyes. I look up. Celina's blue eyes sparkling, dancing with mirth looks at me in amusement, I can understand her perfectly..'what happened back there smarty pants'. Apparently she still persistently believes me to be smart. Yeh right, because I got an A in biology block test, but that doesn't mean I'm smart, right? I just look away.

After class Celina asks me what happened back there, to which I reply "I couldn't figure it out.." I shrug nonchalantly. I knew the answer though. It's that dark being in the shadows. I don't know what prompts me to lie, but he seems too personal, he seems like my walking darkness, his eyes like my personal dark hole, with hair as dark as raven and a soul that drags me in. Yes, he's probably not the best part of me, or my imagination at least .Was he my imagination?

I shrug the feeling of being watched off, I'm about to tell Celina about what I saw, knowing that she won't tell anyone, and won't think I'm crazy. 'Celin-' I'm cut of as I look up and see him, the golden boy, who broke my heart. What does he want! I look around, hoping that no one's around. Everyone is. It's like I'm a bewildered wild animal being brought into a zoo.. I wonder if I still have time to escape...

Daniel walks up to me, giving me a parting gift, his engagement ring. I look at him in mesmerisation, at the tall athletic body and the messy, sandy hair. I want to run my hand through it..
"Hi" he says in an awkward way. I want to smile, would have once upon a time, but his betrayal still stings. Am I that unlikable, he doesn't even want that last part of us.
"Thanks" I sound bitter, almost as if I've swallowed something vile. I snatch the ring off him and hand him mine. I avert my gaze to indicate my dismissal, even as I try to catch sidelong glances of him.
"Bye Mia.." He sounds almost regretful. I have to see if it's true. I watch as his eyes drink me in...in almost regret. Could he still- No! He's moved on, he wanted this, not me.
I watch on as he walks away, out of my sight, out of my life. I have to remind myself that the he's not boy that I once loved. That boy...he's gone.

Celina gives me a look of sympathy. I can't take it anymore! It been for weeks like this, there all waiting for me to cry and break down. It's annoying! Why don't they all understand that I just want to move on! I don't want to break down because of a guy! I don't know why but it all builds up and I lash out on her-
"What are you looking at, we're over" I shout. I look around to 100 pairs of eyes on me, looking at me like the poor little girl, who got dumped and abandoned. News of me and Daniel getting married was massive as it was the first marriage to happen at the university so the news of our breakup was far, far greater....more like Daniels cheating. With whom, I don't know.

I hear whispers and gossips and everyone's staring at me. Celina keeps on looking at me with sympathy. I can't take it anymore! Everyone is waiting for me to break, to fall apart, to cry. I need to get out of there before I suffocate. I run until I'm in the park. I breathe.
I'm all alone. I scream a heart curling scream. My heart feels like it getting ripped apart, not for the love that once was, but for the Mia that once existed. She's corrupted. She's broken. She's gone.

Dark stormy clouds, perfect. I'm pelted with rain, drenched, drowning in the grieve. The sky opens up as it cry's with me, for me, wallowing and thundering in me. I'm brutally lashed by the diamond hardness of the teardrop, dropping down the smooth, red expanse of my cheek. They mingling with my tears, hardening them, hardening me. As the rain continues to fall, I strengthen. I look up, I see him. My dark angel.

I blink. He's gone, but...but...

Maybe I'm just imagining things, maybe I just want to forget all about Daniel so I'm imaging a guardian angel. I look around to see that I'm on the cold, hard ground. I get up. I begin to feel the ice cold waters sneaking up my arms, chilling me to the bones and wracking my body with shivers. I rush out of the violent winds and run all the way back to the university, to where my salvation, my car is sitting. I get inside quickly and turn the radiators on. Once sufficiently warm, I begin to drive. I'm constantly tormented with thoughts of all that happened today... was all of it real or just an ugly nightmare?

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