Chapter One ~ Holidays

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"I can't stay here for the entire holidays." I revealed, feeling a weight off of my shoulder lifted.

His eyes narrowed as he mused something, his hand strugglinh lightly on his beard as he did so. The sheer length of his silver beard was probably equal to my own long, blond hair, which was sad for either or both of us, really.

"Well... I do have a lot of business to deal with, concerning some... international affairs..." he muttered, obviously thinking about the get-together that he was planning with Durmstrang and Beaubatons.

"Please, please, please!" I moaned, clasping my hands together and begging in the most extravagant way possible.

"The Weasley's have said that there is always room for you... And the World Championship..." he continued, his thoughts projecting through his mouth.

"THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP?" I squealed, feeling my voice rise higher and higher.

A cunning smile played on his lips as I leaped around the room, jumping wildly up and down on the Ravenclaw beds. We had moved up a dorm once more, yet the dorm seemed identical, excepting a slightly darker blue on our sheets.

"You may go... If-" he said, revealing the word that no teenager wants to hear.


"Oh, here we go..." I muttered, visibly deflating as I sat down.

"You promise to get me a poster signed by that Viktor Krum chap." he finished, leaning back as if he had just won an extraordinary chess game.

It took me a few moments for my sense to gather, and for me to realise that I was going to the Quidditch World FREAKING Cup! My heart felt as if it were about to burst as I pounded my feet against the soft mattress below me, jumping up and down.

"You'll be leaving tomorrow then!" he said warmly, before nodding and walking out of the room calmly.

Immediately, I ripped open my wardrobe and yanked a pair of black jeans over my legs and replaced my flowery pajama top with a dark blue t-shirt. Grasping my wand, a piece of magic that felt impossibly strong under my palm, I waved it at the clothes in my wardrobe and directed them in to my trunk.

I left my uniforms behind, knowing that I would access them easily when I returned. My stomach fluttered at the idea of travelling back with Nev and Ginny, and my heart sank at the thought of seeing Drew again.

Oh... right, the boy who I had rejected...

Pinning my fringe back, so as to avoid unnecessary annoyance, I laid my trunk across the bed beside my own and walked downstairs calmly. Leon waited at the bottom of the stairs for me, his bushy tail flicking from side to side nervously.

We had been boxed up here for most of the holidays, usually alone because of Dumbledore's international engagements, which were 'Of the utmost importance, and not to be mentioned to a single soul', which meant that he was definitely up to something.

However, my exciting news was enough to push my father's secrets out of my mind, and a quill in to my hand. Luckily, Noctis had returned to me for the past week after Neville's grandmother locked Barnabus up to keep the two from 'hooting the house down'.

Heartbroken, my second companion had returned to me, mostly ignoring me and retreating to the owlery. The one downfall out of her return was the fact that, with Barnabus locked up, she refused to fly to the Longbottom household, cutting off my contact with Nev.

Sighing, I dipped the tip of my quill in to a pot of deep blue ink and began my letter,

    Dear Sirius,

All is well, and I'll be going to the Quidditch World Cup!

I'll be staying with the Weasley's and I don't know about whether Harry is coming or not,

we'll have to wait and see.

Hope you've enjoyed your past few weeks abroad,

the birds that have been sending your letters have made all of the Hogwarts owls jealous!

We'll be in contact,


Smiling, I quickly tucked the thick paper in to an envelope and tied it to Noctis's ankle. Her black eyes gave me a sulky look before she nibbled at my finger sadly and flew off in to the horizon. The past few weeks had been brilliant with Dumbledore, he had taught me so much.

I knew enough spells to make Hermione indignant, not that I would ever show her. I hoped that Hermione would be at the Weasley's also, so that I could have a fellow female to talk to for once. Dumbledore was great, but after one too many weeks it drove you mad.

Picking up my wand, I felt the strange euphoric buzz that came with contact with it's sleek wooden carvings. The pale white wood of the Hazel core contrasted with the grey-brown wood of the eucalyptus case constantly drew my eyes to it.

Today, the carvings had changed once more, to wild tropical flowers with strange little birds flying in their midst. Rather than the usual tree branches entwined within the all, today it was a tropical vine wrapping around the slim wand.

This had to mean something, but I had no idea as to what.

Tucking it in to the pocket of my pants, I skipped out of the Ravenclaw common room and down to the Great Hall. With all adults absent, excepting Filch and Dumbledore, I had been given free reign over the ceiling enchantments.

Today, I waved my wand above my head and imagined the sea, deep blue waves frothing salty clouds at it's peak. I could smell salt air, I could feel my calves being stung by tiny grains of sharp sand being blown by the wind, muggles stranding precariously on planks of wood.

Opening my eyes, I looked up to see that exact scene being played out, minus the smell. Smiling in satisfaction, I quickly looked around for a seat to eat at. I knew for fact that what ever table I sat at would be immeidately ladled with food for me to enjoy.

Deciding to sit at the Hufflepuff table, I took my seat at the end of the table and began to promptly scoop porridge in to a beautifully rounded bowl, sprinkling some brown sugar on top of it all and feasting. In the distance, birds cooeed and wings fluttered, sailing in the breeze.

The weather had been surprisingly perfect lately, with cool breezes and a warm sun. It was all so dazzling, yet I couldn't shake the feeling that this was the calm before the storm, and after last night I was only reassured of that fact.

He was coming for me.


Okay guys, another chapter down ;)

Nah, but it was surprising how easily I slipped back in to Elysia.

I haven't had writers block, more like writers laziness, SORRY!!!!



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Feedback is crucial right now, seeing as continuing a sequel is as precarious as a tightrope.


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