Girl or Boy?

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I have some exciting news!!!!

I'm doing a contest to help me pick a name for the baby!! To enter, just tell me a name for the gender revealed in this chapter!

That's it!

Winner will be picked on December 18, and the chapter will be written on Christmas Eve.


Today is the gender reveal party that my mom insisted on throwing me. She went to the appointment with yesterday and told the nurse to write the gender down and give it to her. So I don't even know what the gender of the baby is. I want a little girl to spoil, but Severus wants a boy to teach Potions to. It won't matter to me, I just want my baby now.

Because of my magic, I'm seven months along. I'm craving weird things, puking every day, cranky and moody, and I'm huge. But I only have a little while to go, and in the end it'll all be worth it.

"Hermione!" My mum called from the kitchen. I waddled down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Yes mum?" I asked.

"Your father and I are going to pick up the cake and balloons. Will you ask Severus if he could put up the decorations in the living room?" She asked.

"Sure." I answered and went to find Severus. I found him in the garden.

"Severus?" I called. He turned around and walked to me and gave me a hug.

"Mum and Dad have to go get the cake and balloons and Mum wants to know if you'll put up the decorations in the living room while they are out." I said. He nodded and grabbed my hand and we walked inside the back door to see my parents walking out the front door.

Severus quickly put up the decorations with a little help of magic and we sat down on the couch.

"Who all did you invite?" He asked.

"Only a few people. Harry and Draco, Ginny and Dean, the rest of the Weasley's, Professor McGonagall, and Luna." I said.

"Why would you invite Draco Malfoy and Mr. Potter to an even like this. You know all they do is fight when you put them together." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, you don't know." I said, laughing.

"What is so funny?" He asked.

"Harry and Draco are a couple. They realized their feelings for each other after the war, and they've been together every since then. Apparently Draco must really love Harry because he told me he was going to propose tonight. But shhhhhh, you didn't hear it from me. I said, laughing. I put my hand on my swollen belly and felt a slight kick. "Oh! The baby is kicking!" I said, grabbing Severus' hand and putting it on my belly.

"With those kicks, he should be strong." He said.

"He?!" I asked.

"Definitely a boy. Sorry." He joked, wrapping me up in his arms.

"I think not." I said, getting up.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I walked to the stairs.

"To get ready. The party is starting soon, and I need to find something to wear." I said. I waddled back up the stairs and into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped of my oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. I looked in the mirror at my swollen belly. I looked normal, but I still looked so sick.

I went to my Oncologist last week, and it wasn't good news.. he told me that we couldn't do chemo while I was pregnant, so that means that I have a chance at dying during or after birth because I'll be so weak.

I climbed into the shower and started crying...

Why me?

*Le time skip to party*

It was time for the party to start, and I was nervous as hell. I'd told everyone that this was ans engagement party so that they would come. I hope no one gets mad.


I waddled to the door and opened it. It was Draco and Harry.

"Hermione!" Harry said, pulling me into a hug.

"Careful!" I said.

"Why would I have to be care--" he looked at my stomach and stopped. "Congratulations!" He said.

"Thank you guys for coming. Its an engagement/gender reveal party." I said.

"You must be Harry?" My mum said to Harry.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Nice to meet you, and your friend." She said. Harry blushed.

"Thanks." He said.

Soon, everyone was here. And the party was really getting started.

"Okay everyone! Its time for Severus to reveal the balloons outside." My mum said. She grabbed a huge brown drawstring bag from the dining room and told everyone to go outside. She handed the bag to Severus and blindfolded him and me.

"Okay, open the bag and dump out the balloons!" She said. After a few seconds she said "Blindfolds off!" I took mine off quickly to find pink balloons on the ground.

"Oh my goodness!" I said, and I started to cry.

"A baby girl, congratulations." Professor McGonagall said.

"I'm happy for you." Said Harry.

"I'll bet she'll be beautiful, like you." Luna chirped.

"Congratulations, Mione!" Ginny screeched.

"Oh, thank you everyone!" I said.

"I can't believe it. I thought it was a boy." Severus said.

"Well it looks like you'll have to teach Potions to a girl. But if she has my brains, she should be able to teach herself." I joked. He chucked a little and said "She will be beautiful, just like her mother." and gave me a quick peck on the lips. We all went inside to eat a cake that was pink inside.

Draco got his drink glass and tapped it a few times.

"I'd like to say congrats to the expecting parents and congrats on the engagement. But I would also like to say; Harry, I love you more than words can say. I've loved you since first year when I saw you on the train, and everyday in between. And so, I'd like to know...." he got down on one knee in front of Harry, "Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

"Oh my god, yes! Yes I will marry you!" He said. Draco slid the ring on Harry's finger and Harry and him both stood up and Draco kissed Harry.

There was a collection of "congratulations!" going around the room.

"Thank you guys for coming!" I said and gave everyone a hug.

Once the party was over, everyone slowly started to leave.

"Are you happy?" I asked Severus while we laid in bed that night.

"More than I can put into words." He said, kissing my forehead.

And with that, sleep closed around me before I could say "I love you."

Well there you go!! Give me a beautiful baby girl name and you just might get picked. If you're picked, you get a shout out and you also get to help me name the baby!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope that you have a nice day/night!

And with that, we will be on to the next chapter!!

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