Chapter 18

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Carol and Emerald made their way over the snow covered ground. The trees were all bare of leaves, and their branches hung over them like outstretched skeletal arms. The black wool cloak supplied by Carol kept Emerald warm in the frosty night. Only her jewel-like eyes glittered through the shadow of the hood, which she'd pulled down low to conceal her face. Carol, wearing a dark green cloak over her regular clothing, carried a lantern to light their path.

"Where exactly in Central Park are we heading to?" Emerald asked.

"The North Woods. The gathering will take place beside the ravine there. It's a favourite hangout for the fae festivities in the city."

"What about the cops and people? Don't they ever notice?"

"Glamour and charms."

"Should've known!"

Further into the woods, Emerald noticed baubles of green and golden light floating ahead of them.

"What are those lights up ahead?" she asked, as Carol led her towards them.

"Goblin-wrought lanterns."

Emerald craned back her neck for a better view of them, while they floated and bobbed among the high branches of bare trees.

With the passing of another half hour, they came to a large clearing. More lanterns hung in mid-air, bathing the space in soft green and golden light. A variety of fae creatures had already arrived, and a group of trolls were then setting up a large pyre with kindling wood and branches being brought by the dwarves. Emerald discovered a group of fauns sitting in a semi-circle, playing their flutes and creating the most enchanting music she had ever heard. A large number of fae had been attracted to gather around to listen.

Carol took Emerald's hand and led her to find seats amid the crowd.

"I never went to a rock concert, but I'm sure it can't get better than this," she mused as the fauns started up a jauntier song. They had included several more instruments which she recognised as bagpipes, and varying sizes of drums. Suddenly, the music ceased. She'd lost track of how long she had sat there, clapping and swaying her shoulders to its rhythms. Her attention was now focused towards the bonfire, and the massive toga-clad troll who stood beside it. Emerald's heart froze in fear as she stared at the tall Elven figure at his side. Pulling her hood closer around her face, she tried to concentrate on what the troll was saying.

"My dear fae brothers and sisters, I would like you to join me in welcoming our esteemed guest, Talisen."

A loud cheer rose up into the air.

Emerald felt confused for a second, until she realised that the elf was not Nuada. Though he possessed the same silvery blond hair, his face was different. It was not scarred, but appeared as smooth and white as polished marble. He wore sweeping robes of gold and red, and he regarded all the fae with a gaze of softness in his deep golden eyes.

"Come near the fire. Grab your pipes and gather 'round!" cried the troll. There followed a great shuffle among the fae, as everyone got up to find a spot nearest to Talisen.

"Come on!" said Carol, dragging Emerald forward to the fire. They were allowed by a group of fragglewump ladies to sit before them, as they were much taller. Carol gave them a courteous bow, and Emerald did the same. They were seated fairly near to Talisen, just behind a row of dwarves. Emerald gasped softly as she felt two tiny thumps on her right shoulder. Turning her head, she found that two pixie-like creatures had seated themselves there. She relaxed at seeing Carol give her a smile and a thumbs-up.

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