"Is that so?" She raises an eyebrow "mhm" I shrug. "So, You think your tough now huh?" She chuckles sarcastically. "I'm not afraid of you anymore. And I can't believe I ever was. Your nothing and never have been"

"Is that so? Let's see how you feel about that when I leave here" she smirks "your not getting out of here and even if you did I wouldn't be scared of you?"

"Well just shows what a stupid slut you really are?" She frowns trying to intimidate me. "your nothing and never have been and your right. I was stupid. Because at one point I was actually scared of you, but I'm not anymore . You walk around like your some tough guy when your not. You think beating up and bullying a 15 year old little girl makes you tough?" I chuckle sarcastically. "That just shows how pathetic you are because you can't take on someone your own size so you beat up on a little kid to make yourself feel better about being so pathetic"

"Why don't you try and say that one more time" she frowns moving closer to me getting more annoyed that I'm not backing down.

"I said... Your... pathetic and your... nothing" I say moving closer to her. "Unlike your brother" I shrug moving back slightly. "Him on the other hand was something just like his wife and you? You spent all your time running some stinking brothel bullying innocent people you knew had nothing and instead of helping them you made their life worst. Just like you did your own neice. Because unlike your brother, your weak and if it wasn't for that car accident you know full well you wouldn't have been able to break that little girl down like you tried to. But you couldn't even do that right" I chuckle slightly. "And look where she is now. She's grown into STRONG beautiful woman and has managed to make something of her life just like her daddy did. Unlike her pathetic aunt" I scoff.

"You think I'm weak?" She chuckles sarcastically "You have no idea what I'm capable of"

"And what's that?" I shrug "because from what I see your just the pathetic black sheep of your family that was to weak to do anything but bully little kids and you know full well if your brother hadn't had that accident then you wouldn't have gotten anywhere near Leanne because he would murdered you before you had the chance" I say with an attitude.

"Well I did" she smirks "and you wanna talk about the WEAKER sibling? I think you'll find that it was Ryan who was the WEAKER one" she chuckles "and how's that?" I smirk seeing that her ego has finally got the better of her as she begins going into detail about what happend that day. Hoping what she says will make me fear her again.

After Mary has finished talking I sit silently in shock, not knowing what to say.

"You still think I'm the weaker sibling?" She smirks cockily then chuckles as I get up and walk towards the door.

"Aww... what's wrong? I thought you weren't scared of me anymore" she says sarcastically and I don't answer her and quickly leave and rush to the restroom and begin throwing up as every little detail Mary just told me continues to repeat in my head.

Lisa's POV

After Leanne's visit and Mary's confession to me, I've realised how wrong I was about Leanne. I still blame her for Michael and I not being together anymore because that still remains a fact, but I do feel bad for what I've done to her.

The whole time I was trying to make her life a misery. I had no idea about the thing's Leanne was going through and what had been done to her.

I never thought for a second Michael would have ran into a burning building and risked his own life the way he did, especially to save Leanne and when he showed me those awful scares and told me about the pain he went through it finally hit me that Michael isn't with Leanne just because he feels guilty or feels that he has to stay with her. He's with her because he actually likes her and he may even love her a little.

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