Chapter 28

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Luke's P.O.V

Arriving at my old home, I thought over what exactly was happening. I got out of the car, grabbed my bags and walked up the driveway to the house that I had only been in a short time before leaving. I hoped that my parents were asleep when I went in there. I called them earlier and left a voice message saying I was going to stay here for a little while, but they never called me back.

I slipped into the lightless house and followed the stairs up to my room, with the window right across from Reina's empty, lifeless room. Staying here, I wouldn't see her dancing in her room when she thought I wasn't watching. I wouldn't be playing songs for her as she watched and listened with her sparkling eyes. There was only an eerie shadow of what used to be. What she used to be, before I changed her.

I fucked up her life so badly and if I had never even been here, she'd be the same innocent girl that loved her mother more than anything. She'd laugh more than she cried. I made her cry so many times and she was so young. She was growing up too fast. When I look in her eyes, I don't see the bright eyed dreamer who so easily fell for me, I see the eyes of a young girl trying to be a strong woman, who has scars and broken pieces missing from her heart.

Now she was pregnant, forced to grow up. Her childhood was over, innocence lost, and I wasn't even man enough to face it all. I ran away from the problem instead of helping her with it. She has Calum. He can give her what she needs and make her smile again. He'd be a great father for her...our baby.

I got into my bed and laid there, just thinking as tears formed in my eyes as I quickly blinked them away. Would I go back to her? She needs me, I know...but did it have to be me? A coward? How much would my life really change if we did have the baby?

I imagined holding something so small in my arms. Something that I helped to make. For once in my life, I would make something beautiful instead of screwing something up. A small baby holding onto you as if you're their whole world. In ways, I was. I was the babies whole world and that's why I needed to be there.

I needed to be a daddy.


Reina's P.O.V

I woke up from another nightmare, realizing I was on the couch. The events of last night, flooding back into memory. Calum was here.

I stetched my arms over my head and turned around to see him in the kitchen making coffee. "Do you need help?" I asked him, seeing him trying to figure out the machine.

"Oh, good morning. I think I...well," he started, a confused look on his face. I got up from the couch and padded over to where he was. I started the coffee and he smiled at me. "Sleep well? I would have moved you to your room, but I didn't want to wake you." he said.

"I slept...well." I didn't feel like reinacting my bad dream.

"Good." he seemed as if he had more to say, but looked away from my gaze. "Last night..." he turned back to me. "Calum, don't worry. Nothing happened." I folded my arms.

"No, I mean...I shouldn't have talked about Luke that way and made me to seem like the good guy coming to the rescue. I'm saying that I shouldn't be here...alone with you." he explained.

"Are you leaving?" I was disappointed, but I understood what he was saying. Something about this made me feel unsure as well. I'm not sure how well Luke would take it if he knew I was alone with Calum in our apartment.

"Yeah, but I could try to work things out for you to stay with us." the thought of meeting my mum again made me uneasy, but I think it would be best. "I know my parents aren't happy with me leaving when I was grounded, but maybe if I explained the situation of you being p-" I interupted him. "No! They can't know I'm pregnant. I know how my mum would react and it's not a good idea."

"I can just say that you were alone because Luke was away for a while and you didn't feel comfortable by yourself, so I came and stayed with you. It's true. If I tell my dad, I'm sure he could convince your mother to let you stay. She does miss you, you know." Calum pulled out his phone, punching in numbers. "Just give me a minute." he said, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I poured myself a cup of coffee, sighing to myself. I remembered what she had said the last time I saw her, ' door is locked. Don't come to me when he hurts you and leaves you. Don't come to me, you hear?'

But when she told me she loved me on the phone, it made me have think she had second thoughts. Maybe she really did want me back with her again. I know she wanted things the way they used to be and in some ways, I did too. I remember how naive I was with Luke, so trusting of a boy that I had barely known. We had our problems at times now, just like any couple.

Calum came back in the kitchen, breaking into my thoughts. "My dad says he'll talk to your mother, but he says she's been depressed lately, and he thinks it's because she misses you, like I said. I think she feels dad's been trying to replace you That's why she's such a b- I mean, she's been hard on me lately." the pink color was apparent in his cheeks at his choice of words for describing my mum.

"Maybe I do need to see her...she may try to make me stay though." I bit my lip.

"Rein, she has to find out sooner or later." I knew he was talking about the baby. "She will!" I defended. "After the wedding." I continued.

"I can't stress her out even more than she already is. The wedding is in a week, so I can't stress her out more than she is. It's so weird to think my mum of all people would get married again. She only started dating you dad because she wanted me to have a father figure." I say, not thinking. I look to Calum and the hurt expression on his face makes me regret what I had said. "Oh! No, I didn't mean it like that, I promise. I'm sure she really does love your dad, but she told me that she'd start dating again for me...that's why she started dating your dad." I assured him.

"I miss my mum." he replies, not looking at me. It made me feel selfish to think that Calum's mum was thousands and thousands of miles away and he loved her, yet mine was only an hour away and I didn't even want to be with her. I rested my head on his shoulder. "I know." I responded.

"Tell me what she's like." I said, closing my eyes. He chuckled. "Why?"

"I don't know. I'm just curious." I listen.

"She's gorgeous...well at least to me, she is." he begins. "She's the type that will try to make good out of everything. The worst tragedy could happen and she'd still try to be cheery. She's what I'd call a true woman. One time, when I was very little, she had just painted the walls in my bedroom and I saw her painting and I wanted to paint too, so after she was done painting, I took paints from the garage and painted colors all over the walls." he laughed. "I was proud of what I had done and when she saw it, she kept her calm. She told me 'It looks better that way' and she even paid me for 'helping'." he finished his story, as I watched him. He had such adoration for her as he spoke.

"My mum would have flipped." I laughed with him. "Anyone would." he said. "But she didn't...and that's one of the reasons I love her. She could have scolded me, but she saw how proud and happy I was and she didn't. "

We stood there in silence before he poured his coffee and went to pack up his things. I got dressed and put a bit of makeup on. Calum came into the room. "Good news."

"Your mum said you can come."



Anyways, I KNOW ITS SHORT! But its 1am and mama just came in and told me to go to sleep so I gots to. What do you think? I was almost crying at Luke's POV and Calum the night before this. UGHHH CALUM IS SO SWEET AND HE MAKES ME WANT TO CUDDLE HIM AND LOVE HIM FOREVER.

So ya, 10k is crazy! Cant' believe it's that many reads. What do you think will happen when Reina returns home? Will she mend the broken relationship with her mother or do you think she'll simply 'tolerate' her. LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS! I love comments because they help shape the story!


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